#557 Understanding The Harm of Purity Culture and How to Move Forward

One of the biggest criticisms of purity culture is the way it reduced sexuality to a list of do’s and don’ts, but there are lots of other reasons millennial men and women report feeling burned by it.

Dr. Camden Morgante, author of “Recovering from Purity Culture”, shares some of the harmful narratives that formed the movement, and provides some alternative approaches to discussing sexuality.


Guest: Dr. Camden Morgante


Website: drcamden.com

Instagram: @drcamden


Book: Recovering From Purity Culture by Dr. Camden Morgante

Free Resource: Why You Still Need Boundaries As You Pursue Sexual Integrity

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00:00 Introduction to Purity Culture

02:13 Camden’s Personal Journey and Professional Insights

05:58 Understanding the Harm of Purity Culture

09:52 Navigating Sexual Awakening in Adolescence

13:58 The Importance of Teaching Values

15:57 Dating Dynamics and Courtship Culture

22:08 Modesty and Its Misinterpretations

25:07 The Role of Patriarchy in Purity Culture

30:54 Steps Towards Healing and Wholeness

39:03 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.