About Authentic Intimacy

You have real questions and need deep answers.
We are here to help.

Our mission is to reclaim God’s design for sexuality.

Authentic Intimacy is a unique teaching ministry devoted to teaching on God’s design for intimacy and sexuality. Our vision is represented by two words that are rarely put together: AI LEADER.

Practically everyone, young and old, single and married, has experienced pain, shame, and confusion related to sexuality. We want men and women to understand God’s purpose and redemption related to their sexuality. As a ministry, we disciple by consistently applying God’s Truth to all questions, pain, and joys related to sexuality and intimacy.

We believe that God intentionally created us as sexual beings, that every sexual choice is a spiritual choice, that sexuality is a powerful metaphor, and that Satan intentionally works to destroy the holy expression of sexuality.

The Authentic Intimacy Story

Ways We Help

Java with Juli Podcast

Each week on “Java with Juli,” Juli has coffee with friends and trusted Christian leaders to share a biblical perspective on the real-life questions you have about sexuality and intimacy. No small talk. No simple answers. Just honest conversations about God, sex, and you.


Authentic Intimacy exists to equip men and women with resources around sexuality. Our blog has hundreds of posts on topics for every season of sexuality and is updated regularly. No topic is off limits as we teach truth with grace.

Books & Curriculum

Stop by our online store to check out our books, Java Packs (audio studies), and conference videos. We also offer online book studies each quarter.

Newest Release: God, Sex, and Your Marriage

AI Leader

This digital resource center is a space to equip Christian leaders with a biblical framework to understand God’s design for sexuality. Through an e-course, including certification, you’ll learn how to answer questions about sexuality and engage conversations with gospel-centered truth.

Events & Training

Host a marriage conference, women’s event, or leadership training. We would love to help you bring Dr. Juli Slattery to your church or city!


Grow in your understanding of biblical sexuality & receive exclusive teaching from Dr. Juli Slattery with an Authentic Intimacy membership.

At Authentic Intimacy, we boldly proclaim God’s Word into areas of life that the church has often ignored. Why? Because we believe that God’s truth must be proclaimed in every dark place. We are praying and working for revival. We’re also praying for the Lord to bring like-minded people around us, to partner with us as we minister His word and truth about sexuality to people across the country.

Learn more about Authentic Intimacy’s views on sexuality and read our statement of faith.