Juli Slattery
Dr. Juli Slattery is a clinical psychologist, author, speaker and the president/co-founder of Authentic Intimacy. Juli earned her college degree at Wheaton College, an MA in psychology from Biola University, and an MS and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology.
From 2008-2012, Dr. Slattery served at Focus on the Family writing, teaching, and co-hosting the Focus on the Family Broadcast. In 2012, she left Focus on the Family to start Authentic Intimacy, a ministry devoted to reclaiming God’s design for sexuality. In 2020, Juli launched SexualDiscipleship.com, a platform designed to help Christian leaders navigate sexual issues and questions with gospel-centered truth.
Juli is the author of twelve books, including the newly released "God, Sex, and Your Marriage," and host of the weekly podcast “Java with Juli.” Juli and her husband Mike are the parents of 3 sons; they live in Akron, Ohio.
Posts By This Author

God’s Healing Stinks

Why We Need to Care About Sex In the News

Are You Leaning In or Leaning Up?

Why Your Story Matters

Encountering the Radical Love of Jesus

Who is at the Center of Your Marriage?

What Should You Do If Your Husband Looks at Porn?

Lady Gaga and Jesus the Healer

Why We Must Be Surprised by the Healer

3 Things Sex and Junk Food Have in Common