Chris Moles and Stacey Womack join Juli to talk about what churches need to know when it comes to helping abuse victims.
#531 The Basics of Talking to Kids About Sex
Dr. Julia Sadusky provides parenting tips for Christian families seeking to engage in healthy conversations with their kids about sex.
#530 Sexuality and Smartphones: How to Help Teens Thrive
Pastor James Talbert from Citizens Church Akron joins Juli to share his knowledge on teens, sex, and social media.
#536 How To Help Your Kids Avoid Identity Traps
Jonathan Holmes shares with Juli how we can avoid identity traps and teach our kids to do the same.
#435: What’s the Most Important Thing the Bible Says About Your Identity?
"The journey of the Christian life is that God has increasingly more of me." - Dr. Juli Slattery Juli and Hannah talk about sexual...
#555 Can You Have A Great Marriage Without Sex? Juli Answers Your Questions
Join Juli and Hannah for a brief exploration of good biblical theology on sex and marriage.
#553 Divorce and Separation: How to Know What to Do
Dr. Greg Smalley, joins Juli to talk about some of the options couples can explore.
#542 A Pastor, His Porn Problem, and How His Church Restored Him
Pastor Garrett Kell joins Juli on the podcast to talk about his years-long struggle with porn, coming clean, and how his church responded.
#541 Teaching Sexuality: Pitfalls, Purity Culture, and the Best Path Forward
Noah Filipiak joins Juli to share where he sees a need to provide the youth of today with a better framework for biblical sexuality.
#539 The Impact Of Shame And How To Overcome It
Curt Thompson, MD, author of “The Soul of Shame”, joins Juli to explain what shame is, why we experience it, and what to do with it.
#533 Why It Feels Impossible To Beat Your Sin
Are we supposed to battle our sin or surrender it to the one who has already defeated it?
#528 The 3 Superpowers Your Sex Life is Missing
Christian Sex Therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma joins Juli to talk about three ways couples can boost their sexual and emotional intimacy.
#527 Why Friendship, not Romance, is the Greatest Love of All
Rebecca McLaughlin explains how we’ve lost our vision for loving relationships outside the context of marriage or the nuclear family.
#509 Workaholism And Infidelity Almost Led To Divorce, But A Miracle Saved Their Marriage
Join Juli, David and Terri, as the couple talk about how God’s intervention saved and restored their marriage.
#505 What Does it Look Like to Struggle with Sexual Sin and Still Love Jesus?
Lina Abujamra discusses external and internal challenges and the truths we all wrestle with as we pursue God’s design for sexuality.
#156: How To Keep Your Heart Open When You Don’t Feel Emotionally Safe
"Open" is the default setting of our hearts. When our hearts are closed, we lack perspective. We're more likely to make poor...
#436: Friendship Trends Gone Wrong? (How to Keep Your Friendships Healthy)
Boundaries are a tricky part of friendship. Friends help us meet legitimate needs for companionship, spiritual growth,...
#430: Marriage Can Be Hard, Here’s Why the Work Is Worth It
What do you do when you want to give up on your marriage? Greg & Erin Smalley share their story—and remind us that we can ask...
#263: Experiencing Sexual Pleasure, Part 2
In part two of this conversation, you'll hear about the other two legs of the "sexual desire triangle" and go from getting your body...
#262: Experiencing Sexual Pleasure, Part 1
Unlike most men (who always seem to be in the mood, always climax, and never experience pain), sexual pleasure can be a mystery to...
#423: How to “Rethink” Issues in Our Church Culture Around Sexuality & Abuse
We need to be asking some hard questions. In the wake of the SBC investigation, along with the growing tsunami of fallen pastors,...
#121: How Separation Can Strengthen Your Marriage
Separation is often the last step before divorce. But what if it was the first step toward reconciliation instead? By...
#557 Understanding The Harm of Purity Culture and How to Move Forward
Dr. Camden Morgante breaks down purity culture myths, and shares how churches can embrace a more appropriate way of talking about sexuality.
#554 Sex and the Female Body: How to Swap Shame For Celebration
Francie Winslow, joins Juli to explain how she is learning to embrace the goodness of God’s design for sex.
#552 When You Want Sex More Than Your Husband Does
Sheri Mueller, LCPC, author of “I Want Him to Want Me”, joins Juli to share insights, wisdom, and encouragement.
#551 How Keeping Secrets Keeps Us in Shame
Jason VanRuler, author of “Get Past Your Past”, joins Juli to share some insights about secrecy and why it’s worth us living in the light.
#550 What to Do When Sex is Painful
Jess Setiz, a trauma-informed pelvic health practitioner, shares her story and how she’s helping women enjoy pleasurable, pain-free sex.
#544 What You Need To Know About Sex, Aging and Menopause
Dr. Debra Taylor and Dr. Michael Sytsma talk all things menopause, and share how husbands can support their wives at this pivotal moment.
#540 A Pastoral Perspective on Supporting Those with Gender Dysphoria
Pastor Sam Ferguson joins Juli to get practical about loving the hearts of hurting people while staying rooted in God’s Word.
#535 What Men Weren’t Taught About Sex
Sam Jolman, author of “The Sex Talk You Never Got”, joins Juli to talk about what men didn’t learn about sex growing up.
#534 Four Surprising Things Killing Your Wife’s Sex Drive
Dr. Jennifer Degler discusses some of the lesser-known reasons why a woman might not feel excited about sexual intimacy with her husband.
#529 Modern Dating: How To Do It Well
Kait and JJ Tomlin from Heart of Dating join Juli to help singles navigate the ups and downs of modern dating.
#228: Intimacy After Infidelity
Can a couple’s sexual relationship survive and thrive after infidelity?
#526 How God Heals Us From Past Abuse and Trauma
Jennifer Michelle Greenberg shares her journey of healing and processing after decades long abuse at the hands of her father.
#525 Churches and Porn: What isn’t Working and How to Change it
Sam Black explains how the Church can become a safe and healing place for those struggling with pornography.
#524 Her Freedom Journey: A Powerful New Book Helping Women Overcome Porn And Sexual Shame
Introducing “Her Freedom Journey”, Juli and Joy’s brand new book!
#523 How Past Family Patterns Impact the Way You Love Today
“How We Love” authors, Kay and Milan Yerkovich, join Juli to explain how understanding attachment styles can improve relationships.
#522 The Paradox of Hope and Brokenness: Jesus, Depression and SSA
Brenna Blain explains how coming to the end of herself led her to a place desperate enough to long for God Himself, not just His healing.
#519 Why we Need to be Better at Caring for Divorced People in the Church
Laura Petherbridge shares her experience as a divorcee and explains how to walk in love and empathy to those who have experienced divorce.
#510 Influencer Anh Lin on Overcoming Trauma and Living a Beautiful Life
Accidental influencer and author of “Forever Home”, Anh Lin, shares her story of journeying through trauma and brokenness to healing.
#508 What Does Healthy Masculinity Actually Look Like?
What can we learn from the lives of the heroes of the faith?
#507 What You Need To Know About The Gender Conversation
John and Sarah Stonestreet explore some of the underlying beliefs surrounding sexuality in our culture.
#506 How To Make Sense Of Grief And God’s Goodness
Pastors Ed and Lisa Young of Fellowship Church join Juli for a moving, faith-filled conversation about the loss of their daughter, Lee-Beth.
#490 How Do You Go From Being Stuck in Bondage to True Freedom?
What does it really take to go from death to life? How are we truly transformed? Jonathan Daugherty joins Juli to discuss his new book.
#488 What Does the Bible Really Say About Same-Sex Marriage?
What is the Biblical essence of marriage and who is it for? Preston Sprinkle discusses his new book “Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage?”
#439: Pelvic Floor Health 101 (It’s About More Than Just Sex)
Nearly 3 out of 4 women experience pain during or after sex. If that's you, we have good news: a pelvic floor therapist can help....
#438: How Your Story Becomes Sacred in the Hands of Jesus
Glenn Packiam joins Juli to talk about how the biblical metaphor of ordinary table bread reveals God’s...
#437: How To Help Your Kids Learn Resilience and Build Character
Living with sexual integrity often means saying no to what you want in the moment. If you expect life to always be...
#155: How To Fight With Your Spouse
Are you ready to fight your way to a better marriage? Conflict presents an incredible opportunity for couples. When done well, it...
#429: How To Find Love When Dating Has Changed with Jonathan Pokluda
Is the way you approach dating actually sabotaging your chances for a healthy marriage? From “just coffee” to...
#426: How To Better Understand the Complexity Beneath Gender Dysphoria
What’s the difference between sexual identity and gender identity? Should parents use preferred pronouns? Or allow kids to dress in...
#421: “God, Sex, and Your Marriage”-Juli Answers Your Questions
You're starting to see how sexual intimacy is a reflection of covenant love. But what does that actually look like in your sex...
#418: What Is Sexual Intimacy Supposed To Look Like in Marriage?
Imagine that you and your spouse are building a jigsaw puzzle, but you don’t know what the picture on the front of the box looks...
#416: How God Uses Heartache to Prepare You for Your True Calling
Dr. Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel join Juli to share about Redeeming Heartache—a new book and tool (think Enneagram or DISC) to...
#413: The Perfect Parent Is the One Who Knows They Need Jesus
Dave and Ann Wilson get real about the messiness of parenting. They'll share how they learned to bring others around them, to learn...
#411: The Unlikely Means God Uses To Bring Beauty From Ashes
What are the unlikely (often unwelcome) means that God uses to heal us? Join us to find out and discover the power of being fully...
#403: How Do I Reconcile God’s Goodness with Sexual Pain & Injustice?
How can we reconcile the pain of sexual abuse with faith in a loving God?
#402: If God Made My Body “Good,” Why Does It Cause So Much Pain?
Juli is joined by author and apologist Sam Allberry to share how we can reconcile the goodness of our bodies (which are created by...
#401: Why “Love Is Love” Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means
Black Lives Matter. Love is love. Hate has no home here. A thread of truth—truth deeply rooted in Christianity—runs through these...
#400: If God Is Good, Why Doesn’t He Take Away My Sexual Addiction?
At the root of every struggle with ongoing, unwanted sexual sin is a lie about God—and it keeps you from the very things that bring...
#399: Why Questions About Sex Cause You to Question God
Juli and Hannah kick off the "Making Sense of God & Sex" series with a conversation about how questions around sex always lead...
#398: How Trauma-Informed Care Helps Your Brain, Body & Relationships
“Trauma-informed care” is more than just a pop psychology buzzword. Join Juli and her guest to learn about the experiences that we...
#393: Practical Wisdom for Dating & Friendship
Can we get practical about dating? Juli and author Eric Demeter put aside the Christian dating subculture and get super...
#65: Why Healing Takes Time, with Francine Rivers
Juli sits down with author Francine Rivers to hear how her own story of brokenness and healing after an abortion...
#387: Life, Intimacy and Loving Your Body After Breast Cancer & Reconstruction
Kim Harms was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after her fortieth birthday. In this episode, Juli grabs...
#385: How To Wrestle With God Over Questions of Sex & Sexuality
Come deconstruct with us for 40 minutes or so. Yep, that's right. If we can’t ask hard questions about the...
#378: How One Church Learned To Embrace the Beauty of Broken
Imagine there is a sign on the door of your church that says, “Please leave your sexual brokenness on the steps...
#348: What You Need To Know About the “T” in LGBT, Pt 2
In this episode, Juli continues her conversation with Preston Sprinkle as they dive into biblical questions around...
#347: What You Need To Know About the “T” in LGBT, Pt 1
What was once a rare psychological diagnosis has quickly become an accepted cultural movement. While it's critical...
#283: I Was the Abuser
Are you, or someone you love, a recovering sex offender? If so, this conversation is for you. In this...
#119: Talking with Your Kids About Homosexuality and Transgender Issues
Talking to your children about homosexuality and transgender issues are some of the biggest challenges for today’s Christian...
#549 What the Latest Research Shows About Porn
Nick Stumbo unpacks the surprising results of a recent study conducted by Barna on pornography use, and shares potential solutions.
#548 How To Repair Your Relationships
John Van Epp, creator of the RAM theoretical model, shares what it takes to make your relationships stronger than ever.
#547 How to Talk to Your Spouse About Sex
Dr Corey Allan breaks down why discussing sex can be challenging for married couples, and what husbands and wives can do about it.
#545 George Barna: Parenting and Discipleship in a Sexually Chaotic World
Dr. George Barna, America’s foremost faith and culture researcher, joins Juli to talk about how to effectively discipleship our kids.
#543 How the Old Testament Reveals God’s Heart for Women, Sex, and Covenant Love
Dr. Sandra Richter, author of The Epic of Eden, brings a rich and refreshing perspective to women, God, and the Old Testament.
#538 How I Rebuilt Faith In God After Church Abuse
Ryan George shares how he disentangled the manipulation and abuse of his past from who God really is.
#521 How to Know if Your Marriage can Recover from Betrayal
Jeremy Smith, LPC discusses how he is helping couples heal their marriages and achieve deep, lasting change as individuals and together.
#520 Sex, Cancel Culture and the Church: How to Pursue Unity When we Disagree
Hannah Nitz joins Juli for a conversation on why believers need to work to pursue both peace and righteousness within the body of Christ.
#518 Single Sexuality and the Unique Challenges of Widowhood
Dr. Carol Tanksley delves into the complexities faced by widows and sheds light on the emotional and psychological hurdles they face.
#515 Is Attraction Sinful? Unpacking Attachment, Safety, Love and Desire
Hannah Nitz joins Juli for a conversation all about attraction and desire.
#489 Thinking About Divorce? You Might Want to Listen to This First
Is divorce the best option for you? Toni and Carey Nieuwhof discuss Toni’s book, “Before You Split.”
#257: How Trauma Affects Our Bodies & Souls
Whether you’ve experienced physical or emotional trauma, it always leaves a mark. Susie Larson joins Juli to discuss the path to healing when trauma runs deep.
#486 Teaching Sexual Discipleship: How to Walk in Truth and Love with LGBTQ+ Kids
Kelly Urbon discusses the work she is doing in counseling parents of those who identify as LGBTQ+, and explains why this work is so necessary.
#473 Repentance, Redemption, and Revolution: How to Accept the Invitation of Godly Sexuality
What does it actually look like to accept the invitation to reclaim God’s design for sexuality in your life? Is the path straight, wide, and flat, or narrow, bumpy, and full of twists and turns? In this episode of Java with Juli, Juli hosts guests Cole and Caitlin Zick of Moral Revolution as they discuss their polar-opposite experiences embracing their sexuality as God intended.
#448: When Did Sexual Identity Become a Thing? (and Why Are We Obsessed With It?)
Sexual identity has become a common phrase, a personal choice, a political cause and, for many, the way we introduce ourselves to others (used even by tweens and teens who’ve never had a sexual experience)—and it feels like it all happened overnight. Do you ever wonder how we got here?
#447: Strengthen Your Marriage Today (and Be Ready for Whatever 2023 May Bring)
Juli Slattery and Gary Thomas share wisdom and insight to keep your marriage together when the storms of life threaten to rip it apart.
#446: How Much More of Your Sexuality Will You Let God Reclaim in 2023?
Juli shares her thoughts on 2022, on having hard conversations about sexuality, and how to ask God to use painful...
#444: A Heart Set Free From Shame and Lies Is a Gift
Open the gift that allows you to experience real intimacy. Our long-awaited Savior came to set us free from sin and shame. Will you exchange your heart for His?
#443: Is Your View of Sex and Marriage Gift-worthy?
When marriage is simply about getting our needs met, we end up playing whack-a-mole with symptoms of sin and brokenness that pop up...
#442: How To Find Peace and Hope in the Midst of Anxiety
Linda Dillow shares about the loss of her daughter during the pandemic, how God used the message of “Calm My Anxious Heart” to...
#441: Understanding God’s Heart for Food and Freedom
Are you ready to end that toxic relationship in your life — your love-hate relationship with food? No more...
#440: Why Don’t Christians Like to Talk About the Real, Hard Stuff in Life?
Are Christians a prickly audience when it comes to sharing our brokenness and pain? Let's change that. Join Juli and...
#434: Is Sexual Sin More Than Just Your Behavior?
If you are a Christian, you are a new creation—the old has gone and all things have become new. As new creations in Christ, what...
#433: Can You Be Gay and Follow Jesus? with Greg Coles
Greg Coles shares why he doesn't love the controversy surrounding the title of his book Single, Gay, Christian, yet why he's...
#432: Unraveling the Threads of Racism & “Love Addiction” in My Story
Why did I have sex with him again? Why can't I stop this masturbation addiction? Why can't I get this fantasy out of my head? Are...
#428: Don’t Say That to Your Single Friends (Say This Instead)
It happens. Despite good intentions, perhaps without realizing it, you say something careless to a single friend. You've got time....
#425: Bonus! How To Build Community & Friendships with Intention and Grace
Feeling stuck in your friendships? You're not alone! As the seasons of life change, our friendships don't always keep up. If you're...
#424: A 54-Year Friendship That Broke Through Cross-Cultural Barriers
Their friendship defied the odds. In the late 60s, in the South, these men weren’t supposed to become friends. Yet, with Jesus as...
#422: How to Care for Both Women and Children in the Wake of the Dobbs Decision
Do you know that God’s heart is for both women and their unborn children, and don’t know where you fit in the pro-life/pro-choice...