Is it “dirty” to dress up for your husband in the bedroom? Is it wrong to masturbate if your husband can’t have sex? What if your...
#412: Is There a Better Way To Read the Bible?
Juli shares one of her favorite new podcasts—the BEMA Discipleship Podcast. The Old Testament writers weren't just telling stories,...
#391: Make Your Relationship Better With a Few Intentional Habits
Relationships naturally find ruts. With our natural bent toward self-love, we easily get stuck focusing on our own needs or...
#389: Thinking About Becoming a Blended Family?
Blended family couples have honeymoon phases too!—they just usually come a little later. Even the strongest couples will face...
#381: “Show It Off” or “Cover It Up”: Messages That Shape Our Body Image
What messages have you been told about your body and your sexuality? At the coffee shop with Juli are two...
#380: How To Have Honest Conversations With Your Kids About Sex
How do you create an environment in your home where your kids feel OK talking about sex? When they struggle, how do you protect...
#374: Jackie Hill Perry on the Trustworthiness of God
Your marriage, your sexuality, wounds from your past, or things you can't see yet ... what do you struggle to trust God with? In...
#36: What Kind of Love Are You Making?
If there is one place in the Bible that gives women permission to have fun, to explore and to enjoy sexual pleasure, it’s the poetic...
#371: Schedule Sex and Dry Cleaning In the Same Conversation? It Works
Being intentional about the business of marriage builds intimacy. When couples make decisions together, their emotions and buy-in...
#370: Why the Single Life Is Uniquely Meaningful and Totally Ordinary
Do you feel stuck somewhere between "not married" and "not called to singleness"? Truth be told, few single Christians feel called...
#369: Changing the Way We Talk About Porn (Because Women Struggle Too)
“I had one woman say, ‘I struggle with masturbation.’ And she just started crying. And then she said, ‘I’ve never said that word...
#368: Aging Bodies Can Still Enjoy Sexuality. Are You Giving Up Too Soon?
There's ED (erectile dysfunction), PE (premature...
#95: The Dating Manifesto
Do you struggle with being single? Maybe you've been rethinking that 21-point list of "non-negotiable" qualities you need in a...
#366: No More Pushing Past the Pain! God Cares About Your Sexual Pleasure
What do you do when sex hurts? Do you white-knuckle your way through it, because you think you...
#362: How To Become a Better “Better Half” with Jamie Ivey
A complement, according to Webster, is “something that fills up, completes, or makes better or perfect.”...
#359: How To Help Women Speak Out Against Sexual Harassment
Tiffany Bluhm wishes this wasn’t her story to tell. Like most victims or bystanders of sexual harassment, she had everything to lose...
#358: Sexuality, Spirituality, and Why We Settle For Counterfeit Intimacy
Have you ever turned to Netflix instead of pursuing sex with your spouse? Have you turned to Instagram instead ending your day by...
#357: Emotional Safety: What It Is and Why You Need It
What is emotional safety? Look at it this way: an emotionally unsafe relationship is a place where you can’t be yourself. You’re...
#356: Sex & the City of God (What Life Looks Like When We Love God First)
That longing you have to be fully known? God put it there. It’s meant to draw you into intimacy with Him....
#353: Why Telling Your Abuse Story is Complex, Courageous & Healing
Every abuse story has unique layers of complexity and pain. The decision whether or not to tell someone else is often a difficult...
#350: Making Time To Make Love (Especially When You Don’t Feel Like It)
It's hard to prioritize sexual intimacy when you don't understand why God created sex in the first place. Instead, you put up walls...
#345: What You Need to Know About Progressive Christianity
Compassionate. Inclusive. Nonjudgmental. Who wouldn’t want to be part of a church like this? It’s why...
#341: When Staying Married Feels Impossible
Circumstances in Laurie’s life started triggering her memories of childhood sexual abuse. Her lifelong struggle...
#338: Single and Sexual
As a single person, your sexuality isn’t defined by a list of “do's and don’ts” or captured by simplistic questions like, “What does...
#337: Questions You’re Too Embarrassed to Ask About Sex
Dr. Doug Rosenau, a pioneer in Christian sex therapy, has been answering questions about sex for decades—long...
#336: Disappointed With God? Tell Him
Are you discouraged by what is happening in our world today? Have you recently found yourself asking, “Lord, why have you allowed...
#335: Teaching Our Kids a Biblical Worldview of Sexuality
We used to say, "If you don’t talk to your kids about sex, someone else will." These days, there is no more “if” about it! Whether...
#334: What Your Pastor Needs to Know About Porn
In this episode, Juli sits down with Mark & Rosie Makinney to debunk misconceptions about pornography and marriage --many of...
#140: The Story of A Rape Survivor
One of Hettie’s greatest fears was that she would be raped. In her home country of South Africa, it is estimated...
#333: Is God Good …Even if You’re LGBT?
“We are being shaped by a culture that idolizes romantic and sexual fulfillment. And I just think—Jesus was...
#332: Parenting Your Kids Without Shame
In parenting, shame is unavoidable. As a mom or dad, at times you'll likely feel ashamed of how you’re doing as a parent or of how...
#325: BONUS! When Sex Hurts, Pelvic Floor Therapy Can Help
Past trauma, childbirth, a physical fall—just a few of the MANY reasons you might experience painful sex or sexual dysfunction....
#324: Sex Therapy: What Is It, and Why Should You Go?
Online Christian sex therapy—yes, you read that right. Did you know that there are therapists trained specifically to address issues...
#322: The Secret Superpower of Kindness
Think about your toughest relationship: The wife who only ever seems to offer you the cold shoulder. The husband you’re finding it...
#321: Taking Your Marriage Back From Porn
One of the most painful experiences as a wife is learning of your husband’s porn addiction—or learning that...
JWJ Listening Guide: Learning to Trust
In this Java Pack, you will hear inspiring stories from women who walked with God even when their greatest fears came true; practical ways to redirect your thoughts from worry or anxiety to contentment and gratitude; and how to walk by faith—even when it feels like you’re groping for answers in the dark. The goal is not to become worry-free. The goal is that we learn how to trust Him.
#318: Why Are We Afraid to Touch?
Let’s face it: As Christians, we’re kind of afraid to touch. Touch feels unsafe and sexual—even...
Java Pack: Conversations that Heal
This Java Pack is a Christian leader’s guide to addressing sexual pain. As Christians, we often spend a lot of time debating what we should believe about sexuality. We may devote some time to ensuring we are personally honoring God with our own sexual choices....
#313: The Greatest Love Story
From beginning to end the Bible tells a story about marriage. Woven through chapter and verse is a story of covenant...
#311: Where Is God When We Suffer?
Sometimes life gets so hard, we doubt that Jesus is still with us. Did he abandon us? Was our faith even real in the...
#310: Is God Sexist?
Is God sexist? Does he value men more than he values women? If you've ever wrestled with this question, a...
#222: What’s Your Money Personality?
The two biggest areas of conflict in marriage are sex and money. We talk a lot about sex on Java with Juli, but today we're talking...
#40: Bonus! What Do You Fear?
The COVID-19 pandemic is pushing all of our anxiety buttons; loss of loved ones, financial loss, being stuck inside...
#306: When You Can’t Wait Another Day
What do you do when you find yourself in a situation you don't like, didn't sign up for, and can't wait to be done with? (Social...
#304: Stop Caring What Others Think
Are you constantly preoccupied with what others think about you? With how you look, how much money you make, or how many Instagram...
#22: Intimacy, Sex & Aging
Intimacy with your spouse is important is all phases of life--even when you're celebrating your 50th wedding...
#293: Secrets to a Lasting Relationship
Dating has changed. A LOT. In the last decade, cohabitation, sex, and sexual experimentation have been touted as the best ways to...
#291: Will You Trade Your Comfort Food for The Comforter?
Are you a sugar addict? Do you run to the pantry each afternoon to get you through your day? Do you turn to Starbucks...
#290: True Friendship, or merely Friend-ish?
A sweet friendship refreshes the soul –and it’s better to have a friend nearby than a relative far away...
#287: Does God Want Me to Have Good Self-Esteem?
How do I convince myself and everyone else that I’m worthy of being loved? That may not be what the question...
#286: How to Make Time to Make Love
Making time to make love is always going to take effort. There will always be an excuse to put it off for another season. Grab your...
#55: When Marriage Won’t Get Better
What do you do when your marriage isn’t what you want it to be, but your spouse won't work on it, no matter...
#281: Growing Closer Through Conflict
There’s no such thing as instant intimacy. Love at first sight? Perhaps. But intimacy is something else entirely. It takes years to...
#280: When Submission Becomes Controlling
Sarah got married believing that absolute submission to her husband would glorify God; making Him, her and her man happy. Only, she...
#278: Aging with Enthusiasm & Grace
Tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. How can we be grateful, joyful, and love others well whatever season we're in? Today...
#271: The Truth (and Lies) About Infertility
One in seven couples struggles with infertility --and it's easy to make some pretty hurtful assumptions about them...
#270: Winning the Battle in Your Mind
Sometimes the most difficult battles we face are the ones that rage within our own hearts and minds. In this episode, Juli gets...
#269: Loving Jesus in the Season You’re In
No matter what season of life you’re in, the object is the same: love Jesus and become more like Him. Are you single and wondering...
#266: Your Marriage, God’s Design
What do you want out of marriage? If you’re like most of us, you hope for love, companionship, passion and other good things that...
#265: The Hard (and Hopeful) Truth About Losing a Spouse
“God created our bodies to become one in marriage in a very physical and neurological way. When that is suddenly...
#264: You (Too) Can Help #MeToo
What can you do to make sure the voices of sexual abuse victims continue to be heard following the #MeToo movement? How...
#260: BONUS! Confused About Sexuality? We Understand
Why is there so much confusion in the Church about sex? If God's word is clear on this issue, why do so many great...
#11: When Work & Marriage Intersect
When you and your spouse have separate (but equally important) callings that pull you in different directions, who yields?...
#256: Who Is Jesus to You?
Every sexual question is a spiritual question. Every sexual opinion you hold comes from a foundation of who Jesus is to you. In the...
#253: Making the Gospel Beautiful Through Relationships
How do we foster relationships that show the world that the Gospel is not just beautiful, it's also...
#252: Finding Your Voice
Sexual abuse. Fame. Infidelity and divorce. Five-time Grammy award winner Sandi Patty has walked through them all. How has she come...
#251: Praying with Honesty and Abandon
Do you pray about your sex life? About that friend you're hoping will become more than a friend? Some of us...
#161: Beyond Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
Take the politics out of conversations about abortion. You don't have to choose between valuing the rights of a...
#249: Overcoming Differences With Your Spouse
Opposites attract... for a little while. Then those cute, quirky things that attracted you to your spouse early on...
#246: Lies You Believe About Sex
"I'm not loved if I'm not desired." "I don't deserve a great sex life." "God...
#245: The Link Between Your Bedroom & Your Bank Account
Have you ever hidden a receipt from your spouse? Join Juli and her guests to find out why holding grudges or...
#244: Your Love-Hate Relationship with Food
Do you want out of your love-hate relationship with food? This isn't a conversation about what you should or...
#242: Worried About the Future? Find Hope Here
We naturally fear what we don't understand or can't control -- like the messages and confusion surrounding...
#238: Josh Harris is Rethinking “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”
What if you gave millions of people the wrong advice? Two decades ago Josh Harris turned the Christian dating world...
#235: How the Purity Movement Hurt Us
"I always thought that if I did everything the way God told us to, then I would be blessed, I would be happy, and I would have a...
#233: Understanding Your Man
From "All he thinks about is sex!" to "Why doesn't he ever initiate?" this Java with Juli...
#229: Sex, Teens, & Parenting
Your daughter is sexting her boyfriend. Your son sees porn on a friend's phone. Now that you've yelled, confiscated their devices...
#226: Culture, Technology & Your Child
If raising kids isn’t hard enough, throw smart phones, social media and video games into the mix and you have...
#220: Rethinking Sexuality In Your Parenting
If you don’t teach your children about sex, someone else will. Listen in as Juli shares the resources you...
#219: Rethinking Sexuality in Your Marriage
Does God care about what goes on inside your bedroom? We think so. God has something to teach you about...
#218: Rethinking Sexuality in Your Life
Do I really need to save sex for marriage? What’s wrong with porn if I’m not hurting anyone...
#217: Finding Hope After Betrayal
The man who vowed to love, cherish and protect you is cheating, lying and hiding. Now what? In this episode, Dr. Juli Slattery is...
#215: Miscarriage & Infertility
After years of buying baby gifts for friends, one in every eight women wonder if it will ever be her turn. Is she...
#205: My Husband’s Addiction Saved My Life
From the outside they had a perfect Christian family --a happy marriage, jobs in ministry and successful kids. ...
#202: Childhood Trauma and How It Impacts You
Powerful moments and memories from our childhood stick with us. They affect who we become and how we interact with others. If your...
#201: Healing From Abuse and Sexual Trafficking
Healing from abuse and sexual trafficking is difficult, but possible. In this Java with Juli, Juli talks with...
#105: Out of the Shadows
Church should be a safe place. But far too often church is an easy environment for pedophiles and abusers to ruin lives, and destroy...
#198: Sharing God’s Message for Sexuality
God redeems our sexuality and allows us to share our stories with a hurting world. In this...
#197: A Pornography Addiction in our Marriage
On this episode, Juli talks with Sanj and Kay Kalra about the way that pornography addiction negatively affected their marriage for...
#196: Public Me vs. Private Me
What things in your life do you try really hard to hide? If my friends knew that I’m struggling with big temptations If people ever...
#187: Grace for the Bad (and Not-So-Bad) Girl
“You can’t out sin the grace of God.” That’s a bold statement from our guest Liz Curtis Higgs, author of the...
#186: What Can Passion Pursuit Do for You?
Do you desire deeper intimacy with your spouse? Do you want to experience freedom in the bedroom like you’ve never...
#180: Broken Women, Prostitutes and Your Part
Do you have the courage to reach out to someone who is hurting? We often feel fearful or ill-equipped when God calls...
#179: When Sex Is Not Good
"I know that orgasm should not be the main goal of sex, but I am disappointed that I have never experienced it." "I can’t say that...
#177: Why Abstinence-Only Education Doesn’t Work
The New York Times recently reported that there is now proof that abstinence-only programs don’t work. They’re right....
#176: When Men Are Addicted to Porn, Part 2
Ashamed. Broken. Afraid. These are just a few of the words that describe a man addicted to pornography; ashamed of his...
#175: When Men Are Addicted to Porn, Part 1
Ashamed. Broken. Afraid. These are just a few of the words that describe a man addicted to pornography; ashamed of his...
#174: Can You Walk Away from Same-Sex Attraction?
No one has lived closer to the controversy over being “ex-gay” than Anne Paulk. When her ex- husband...
#3: Mom, I’m Pregnant
As a parent, you will face a time where your child will surprise you and you aren’t sure how to react. In this episode, Juli talks...
#157: Why He Wants to be Your Hero
Men are simple—or at least that’s what you’ve been led to believe. Give them food, sex, perhaps throw...