Juli Slattery and Mary DeMuth talk about how to deal with hurtful people and situations within the Body of Christ.
#154: Healing Doesn’t Happen Overnight
Do you ever feel like you’ve been permanently marked with a Sharpie® pen? That the hurts and heartache from your past just won’t go...
#153: Discovering Who You Are
What you believe about God has a huge impact on what you believe about yourself. When you’re at the top,...
#18: When You Don’t Like Your Body
How many times have you been disappointed or felt inferior because of your weight? Have you ever asked yourself where those emotions...
#152: How to Talk to the Opposite Sex
How you relate to others as a single person now matters to your future marriage. Whether it’s friendships, dating online or...
#19: What You Need to Know About Domestic Violence
Do you walk on eggshells around your husband? Are you constantly trying to be a better wife, friend, or daughter? This candid...
#59: Pulling Back the Shades
Women all over the world are excited about the release of the movie Fifty Shades Darker – but do they realize how this type of...
#150: Is the Spark in Your Love Life a Counterfeit?
Why do we care if Fifty Shades of Grey has sold over 125 million copies? Because it means that women are looking to...
#64: Online Dating: True Love or False Intimacy?
This is a candid coffee shop conversation with two single women who’ve “been there, done that” when it comes to the online dating...
#56: When Men Don’t Want Sex
“Not tonight, honey. I’m just not in the mood.” The stereotype of a woman who is trying to avoid intimacy with her husband by using...
#47: Loving Your Husband as You Age
The challenges of married life change as we grow older, and very few people talk about them. That's why Dr. Juli Slattery had...
#44: Unbelievable Betrayal, Outrageous Restoration
This is the story of how one husband’s pornography addiction lead to a distorted perspective of sexuality. His illegal actions,...
#41: Divorce and Remarriage
Java with Juli doesn’t shy away from the tough issues! Join Dr. Juli Slattery as she discusses two of the most polarizing topics in...
#37: We Shouldn’t Be Friends!
Your husband cheated on you and divorced you. Then one week after the divorce is final, he marries a younger woman. The typical...
#32: Being a True Man: An Honest Discussion About A Man’s Struggle
This is an important conversation for both men and women about sexuality, with vulnerable confessions of pornography use and sinful...
#30: Worshipping Through the Pain, Part II
Does the idea of worshipping in the midst of pain and desperation seem like a complete contradiction? Psalm 32:6 talks about how we...
#29: Worshipping Through the Pain, Part I
Does the idea of worshipping in the midst of pain and desperation seem like a complete contradiction? Psalm 32:6 talks about how we...
#126: What Your Husband Wishes You Knew About Sex
Have you ever wanted to climb inside the mind of your man, just for a day? Well ladies, here’s your chance! On this Java with Juli,...
#15: Growing In Spiritual Intimacy
How do you feel about God? Is He your close friend, your beloved? Or is He someone you fight with and yell at? Intimacy...
#6: Healing from Sexual Abuse
Have you experienced sexual abuse? Do you know someone who has? It's an issue that is incredibly difficult to talk about. Sometimes...
#124: Why You Need to Address Pornography In Your Marriage and Home
Every wife and mother have a common enemy: pornography. It destroys sexual intimacy with our husbands. It robs our children of their...
#123: How Sexual Differences in Marriage Can Make You a Better Lover
“Lord, I’ll do anything—just not that!” Being vulnerable, giving, and asking for your needs in...
#63: Hope and Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse
Statistically, one in four women have been sexually abused as a child. Often times to mask their wounds, these women...
#114: Why You Need Other Moms in Your Life
Do you ever feel like you’re the only one whose kids are still wearing yesterday’s clothes, smear their boogers on the wall, or are...
#113: Why Friendships In Marriage Are Important
Juli, Linda, and Hannah discuss the importance of married couples having other married couples in their lives. Not only...
#100: A Marriage and Faith Wake Up Call
Have you ever gotten to the point where you think, I don't know if I can do this anymore? We all...
#248 Gay Girl, Good God: Jackie Hill Perry’s Story
Jackie Hill Perry shares how God drew her to Himself and brought her out of a lesbian lifestyle.
#516 Don’t Skip Foreplay! (and Other Advice from a Christian Sex Therapist)
Christian sex therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma helps married couples overcome common obstacles faced when building a thriving, holy sex life.
#513 A Child Psychiatrist On The Truth About Transgender Activism
Dr. Miriam Grossman, joins Juli to discuss what parents and kids need to be aware of when it comes to transgenderism.
#512 Friends Who Hurt Us: How To Recognize Unlikely Sources Of Abuse
Tricia Lott Williford and Jana Richardson join Juli to talk about how to recognize, fight, and recover from abuse in all its forms.
#511 Why You Need to Laugh More
Comedian, author and Pastor Ted Cunningham is Juli’s guest this week, explaining the health and relational benefits of laughter.
#504 Painful Intercourse, Fake Orgasms, And Aging Sex: Answers To The Most Popular Sex Questions
Juli is joined by Dr. Jennifer Degler and Dr. Michael Sytsma in providing biblical, practical answers to questions about married sex.
#502 How to Understand and Overcome the Challenges of Postpartum Sex
Sex after pregnancy is radically different from sex before or during. Pelvic floor therapist Heather Marra and Dr. Jennifer Degler weigh in.
#501 Going Beyond a Superficial Faith – with guest Jackie Hill Perry
Time with God should be a delight, not a duty, but for many believers, it can often feel like more of a chore. What’s missing?
#499 How Vulnerability Can Help You Heal From Sexual Trauma
Podcaster Tim Ross tells Juli how honesty, vulnerability, and grace helped him overcome sexual trauma.
#498 The Surprising Thing You’re Missing In Your Healing Journey
Could it be that there is more to spiritual formation than simply knowing and learning the right things?
#497 Trying to Heal? Here’s Why Knowing Your Story is Essential
Join Juli and Hannah as they revisit some common themes, topics and questions from this year’s most insightful Java with Juli episodes.
#496 Seeking Truth on Singleness, Married Sexuality and LGBTQ+ Issues – A 2023 Recap
Join Juli and Hannah as they revisit some common themes, topics and questions from this year’s most insightful Java with Juli episodes.
#495 Why Narratives About Sex Matter
Author Jennifer L Holberg explains why we need to challenge the narratives we’re given and see how the stories we believe shape our faith.
#493 How the Bible’s Teachings About Sex Reveal God’s Goodness
“Is God good?” Sam Allberry answers this in light of same-sex attraction, the heart of marriage, singleness, and the cost of discipleship.
#491 Why Debates About Women’s Roles Might be Missing the Point
Dr. Michelle Lee-Barnewall explains why debates on the roles of women often miss God’s heart for His Church.
#487 How to Cling to God When Your World is Falling Apart
How do you cling to your faith in God when life gets hard? What does it look like to have an unshakeable faith? And how do you cultivate it?
#316: Sorry Mom & Dad, the “Sex Talk” Doesn’t Work
Juli and Hannah explain what it looks like to teach your kids about biblical sexuality in our current cultural moment.
#485 Your Marriage Won’t Survive Without Grace: Why Marriages Built on Performance Fall Apart
Is a lack of grace stopping you and your spouse from connecting? Brad and Marilyn Rhoads join Juli to discuss their book, “Grace Marriage.”
#454 Mismatched in Sexual Desire? You May Be Closer Than You Think
If you’re married and experiencing huge gaps between your level of sexual desire and your spouse’s, this special re-air episode is for you.
#484 Duty Sex, Feeling Objectified, and Other Reasons Women Don’t Enjoy Sex in Marriage
J Parker and Bonny Burns, hosts of “Sex Chat for Christian Wives”, provide biblical, practical insight on challenges wives face in marriage.
#211: Understanding Pornography Addiction
Jonathan Daughtery of Be Broken Ministries shares his story and why he believes people keep returning to “lustland.”
#482 Trying to Overcome a Sexual Addiction? Here’s Why You Can’t Do It Alone
Nate Larkin joins Juli to share his journey breaking free from an addiction to pornography that almost destroyed his marriage.
#481 Learning, Leading, and Growing: A Reflection on 10 Years of Java with Juli
In this celebratory episode, Hannah and Juli discuss the heart of the podcast, what Juli has learned, and plans for the next decade.
#480 How to Heal and Rebuild Trust and Sexual Intimacy After An Affair
Why do people cheat? And is it possible to reconcile after you or your spouse has been unfaithful? Juli is joined by Jessica McDaniel, LPC.
#479 More Than Just Behavior: Why Your Struggles With Sexual Sin Run Deeper Than You Think
What if facing your sexual struggles could lead to deeper healing? Juli and Jay Stringer, LMHC, talk about his research on desire.
#478 How To Love And Lead Your Adult Kids With Jim Burns
How do you parent adult kids after they leave the nest? Dr. Jim Burns, president of the organization HomeWord, shares his experience and expertise.
#477 In-Laws or Outlaws? How to Handle The Challenge of Setting Boundaries with In-Laws
When does parental guidance become overreaching interference? How do couples set boundaries? And how do in-laws give kids space to form strong marital foundations?
#476 When God Ran: How God’s Love Found a Woman Lost In Shame
What does it look and feel like to live in the tension of the weakness of your flesh when you have lengthy and ongoing struggles?
#472 Embracing Grief: Why We Need to Connect Sadness, Gratitude, and Celebration
It can often be tempting to push through the uncomfortable feelings that come with loss and try to just keep calm and carry on. But is that what we’re called to as followers of Christ? If Christ Himself took time to grieve, shouldn’t we?
Dr Greg and Erin Smalley join Juli on this episode of Java with Juli as they discuss the need to face and make sense of our pain so we can embrace real joy.
#471 How to Understand, Celebrate, and Leverage Neurological Differences in Relationships
There are always differences in relationships – differences in culture, differences in family of origin, differences in communication and conflict style – but what if you and someone you love just think differently? The thing is, while we may live in a world designed for neurotypical people, the world is full of people who are neurodivergent; those of us who process, learn, experience and interact with the world in ways not considered typical.
#465 Love Dares: Using Playfulness to Build Sexual Intimacy
If you’re a husband or wife who finds sex dull or monotonous, it may be time for you to revisit the way God designed marital sex. The truth is that God desires for you to enjoy building sexual intimacy with your spouse, not just endure it. In this podcast episode, Juli and guest Dr. Jennifer Degler talk about how God gives the gift of sexual play to couples, and the practical (and fun!) ways you can connect with your spouse.
#461 Pride, Lust, and Why We Do Things We Don’t Want To Do
Juli Slattery and Jonathan Pokluda tackle tough questions about how to find freedom from the sin that we hate, the difference between regret and self condemnation, and how the gospel is good news for all of us.
#459 How Sexual Abuse Affects You (And Why God Is Still Trustworthy)
“What happened to me wasn’t rape.” “I didn’t stop it right away.” “I shouldn’t have been at that party in the first place.”
If you’ve ever had thoughts like these, about yourself or someone else, your definition of sexual abuse is too narrow. Join us to learn what sexual abuse is and what consent isn’t. (And, if you’ve never been a victim of sexual assault, trust us, you know someone who has. This conversation is for you, too.)
#458 Why Women Are Leaving the Church (And How To Find Your Way Back)
In the last ten years, some 16 million women have stopped going to church. Are you one of them? Join us for a conversation about why we’ve been rethinking church—and why it may be time for you to go back.
#457 How To Build a Flourishing (not Flawless) Sex Life You’ll Both Love
Take the guess work out of your sex life and learn how to tell (or show) your spouse what feels good in the bedroom.
#456 Overcoming Father Wounds: Trading My Pain for God’s Perfect Love
Kia Stephens knows many women (like herself) who looked to the arms of other men for the affirmation they longed to receive from their fathers. You’ll love her humor, wisdom, and vulnerability as she shares how she traded the pain of what her earthly father couldn’t give her for the perfect love of her heavenly Father.
#455 How God Changed My Heart (Even After I Changed My Gender) with Laura Smalts
For most of her childhood, Laura wanted to be a boy. In her 20s, she began hormone therapy, had surgery and lived as Jake for nine years. But she could never quite shake the feeling that none of it was real. “I remember looking at the photo on my driver’s license and saying, ‘I’m not as happy as I think I am.'” In this episode, Laura shares her remarkable story of desperation, hope and transformation.
#453 Teens Are Anxious, Sad and Lonely. Here’s How You Can Help
Teen girls and LGBQ+ youth are experiencing more sadness, hopelessness, and violence than ever before. Join Juli and Dr. Mark Mayfield, an expert in suicide prevention, to learn what you can do to help the teens in your life feel seen, loved, and valued.
#450 Breaking the Marriage Idol
We’re just gonna to say it. There’s an unspoken assumption in the Church that if you’re single there must something wrong with you—and that marriage can fix it. Are you guilty of having this thought? Join the conversation about how we’ve idolized marriage and how we can do better.
#449 How to Guide Your Kids Through Confusing Messages About Gender
Juli and her guest share wisdom and encouragement to help you give clear answers to your kids’ questions about their gender and the way God created them.
#417: Authentic Intimacy: The Ministry That Almost Didn’t Make It
Did you know that we’ve been at the brink of closing our doors (more than once)? Join us for a close-up, behind-the-scenes look at...
#409: Divorce & Remarriage (Abuse, Infidelity, Porn & All the Hard Things)
God's word is clear on marriage; but some of us are a little fuzzy on the divorce and remarriage part. What exactly does "sexual...
#404: How To Help Your Kids Think About Sex From a Christian Worldview
Hillary Ferrer, co-author of Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality, joins Juli to talk about how to teach your kids a biblical view of sex.
#397: How To Help Families Navigate Questions About Gender Identity
Juli continues her conversation with Dr. Mark Yarhouse about how parents can stay close to a child who is questioning his or her...
#396: Diverse Gender Identities: How To See the People Behind the Issue
Why are so many teens suddenly coming out as trans or non binary? Juli welcomes Dr. Mark Yarhouse to help you understand the...
#392: Want To Know Juli and Mike Better? This Is Your Episode!
Juli takes off her "author and psychologist" hat! Hannah Nitz turns the tables on Juli and Mike to hear how they met, how they...
#367: Exchange Online Distractions for Real-Life Intimacy
“To be completely honest, the first two or three days, I was shocked by classic symptoms of withdrawal. I found...
#360: Feeling Fearful? The Right Kind of Fear Leads to Bravery
When you’re feeling fearful, the last thing you need is a social media meme telling you to “tighten your ponytail and carry on.” A...
#354: How To Keep Rhythm & Romance in Your New COVID Normal
You learned to navigate close quarters, perfected family game night, and homeschooled your kids. As your community reopens, how do...
#344: Standing Strong: Tackling Fear, Self-Doubt & Insecurity
Alli Worthington says the popular message that “you are enough” is leaving women feeling overwhelmed and...
#147: How to Find Fulfillment at the Feet of Jesus
Do the holidays have you feeling exhausted? Does your list of New Year resolutions feel uninspired? Are you unsatisfied with your...
#340: We Were Wrong About Modesty
The word “modesty” makes us cringe these days, and it’s easy to understand why: For years it’s...
#339: How to Have Hard Conversations with (Facebook) Friends
If you were standing in front of a crowd of 300 to speak, how carefully would you craft your words? Okay, so you’re actually at home...
#331: Say Goodbye to Labels
Life is tends to put labels on us. We even pin labels on ourselves. More often than not, these labels are hurtful,...
#330: Loving the Person Who Isn’t Like You
It’s easy to love the neighbor who looks like us, thinks like us, and believes like us. With those who don't fall into those...
#117: How Your Sex Life is Connected to Your Spiritual Life
An early theologian once wrote, “We know that when a couple has sexual intercourse, the Holy Spirit leaves the room.” If you were...
JWJ Listening Guide: Taking Back the Bedroom
This specially curated Java Pack is a wife’s guide to sex and intimacy. Every marriage contends with highs and lows in the bedroom. For some couples it’s a fire that’s fizzling out, while others have always struggled to find a spark. In Taking Back the Bedroom, you’ll hear some of our most popular content for understanding God’s design for sexuality within marriage.
JWJ Listening Guide: Single & Sexual
Did you know that single people are sexual? That your sexuality has nothing to do with whether or not you are having sex? As ridiculous as it sounds, many Christians grow up thinking that they will magically become sexual when they get married. In this Java Pack, Dr. Juli Slattery and her guests discuss how to embrace your sexuality, even as a single Christian committed to saving sex for marriage, and what your sexuality can teach you about yourself and about God. They’ll also dive into details on dating, friendships, community, and the Church.
#320: Bonus! Looking for the Spark in Your Marriage?
Thanks to COVID-19, you and your spouse have likely spent a lot of time together the last five months—but that doesn't necessarily...
#317: Bonus! Listen, Learn, and Give Grace (A Conversation About Race)
Are you grieved by the pain and brokenness you see in your news feed each day? We are too. God’s Word tells us that when one part of...
#315: Jamie Ivey Wants to Know the Real You
There are things we feel are acceptable to struggle with, and then there are those things we would never say out loud –especially...
#305: Becoming the Right Kind of Strong
The famous Proverbs 31 woman was "clothed in strength and dignity." She was strong! But perhaps not by our...
#299: Making Marriage Fun! (Even When It’s Hard)
Marriage can be hard, but it doesn’t have to stop being fun! Arguments, grief, or even just the busyness of life...
#284: Be a Truth Teller
If you're tired of smiling on the outside while you are broken and battered on the inside, Ashley Abercrombie has a message for you...
#261: Bravery Means Being the Real You
You’re braver than you think. Bravery doesn’t always mean running into a burning building. For most...
#241: Women Struggle With Porn Too
Do you think women don't get addicted to porn? Think again. In this episode Juli's guest shares candidly about how she became...
#239: Stop Dreading Christmas
Somewhere along the line, this "most wonderful time of the year" overwhelms us, making our souls feel both...
#230: Juli & Linda Answer Your Questions About Marriage
Do you believe the Bible has answers to your questions about marriage and sexuality? We know it does! On this Java with Juli, Juli...
#227: Couples Therapy For Intimacy Issues
Have you ever wondered whether or not you should see a sex therapist? From sexual addiction to sexual anorexia, a good therapist can...
#48: My Controlling Spouse
If you are fearful or hesitant to share your true thoughts with your spouse, you may be in an unhealthy pattern with a controlling spouse. What are the red flags, and how can you change things? Very few couples know how to address this issue, but it can be a fatal...
#225: How To Find the Right Guy
There is no magic formula to find a great husband, but there are decisions you can make today that will help you...
#221: Conversations You Should Be Having About Money
How important is it for us to get out of debt? Should we give to our church? Where is the balance between having faith...
#224: Sexuality & Surrender
Laurie daily submits her same-sex sexuality to the Lordship of Christ while married to her best friend, Matt. ...
#223: Counseling: When & Why You Should Go
Marriage counseling sounds intimidating... and expensive. So why should you go? (Surely you can sort things out...