Relationships are tricky. Loving others well takes intentionality. It’s hard to watch our friends, co-workers, or kids make sexual...
#213: Sexuality & the Conversations the Church Forgot
Ready or not, the body of Christ needs and wants to have conversations about sex. Are you equipped? On this Java with...
#206: BONUS! Rebel Parenting
Ryan Dobson admits he was a rebellious kid. These days, as a husband and father, he’s a different kind of rebel....
#212: Female Friendships Are Complicated
Has a friend ever told you she needs a break from you? Do you make friends fast and lose them quickly? It’s no secret that women...
#210: Enjoying Intimacy in Your Golden Years
It’s no secret that aging changes us. Our bodies don’t work the way they used to. Sex doesn’t work the way it used to. What once happened easily is now difficult and awkward. Is it time to close the chapter on sex? Not so fast! Join Juli and her guests as they...
#208: The Forgiveness & Intimacy Link
Have you ever sabotaged a relationship because you think you deserve to be unhappy? Are you bitter toward a spouse who has already...
#207: Making Motherhood Meaningful
Hey moms, do you feel like you’re missing out on life while staying at home with kids? Are you exhausted, unsure of yourself, or...
#204: Managing Your Expectations in Marriage
Once I am married I’ll always feel loved. I’ll never be lonely. Sex will be fantastic because I waited....
#200: Listening So People Will Talk
The call to be a good listener comes straight from Jesus: in order to feel loved, people have to feel heard. Great...
#196: Public Me vs. Private Me
What things in your life do you try really hard to hide? If my friends knew that I’m struggling with big temptations If people ever...
#194: Enjoying Date Nights With Your Spouse
Regardless of how long you’ve been married, date nights are still important! In this episode of Java with Juli, Juli talks with Dr....
#192: Engaging in Restorative Relationships
We are wounded in relationships with others, and it only makes sense that relationships are also where our healing will...
#191: Understanding Your Teenager’s Brain
Modern science has allowed us to see exactly what is going on inside the adolescent brain, and what we see can help YOU...
#2: Unleashing the Power of Woman
What’s the difference between having power or being controlling in marriage? How do you have influence...
#184: Authentic Intimacy Prepared Me for Marriage
We love hearing your stories. The excitement that flows from the heart of a woman who has been changed by God is...
#181: What Is the “Price” of Sex?
Birth control, pornography, online dating –according to our guest on this Java with Juli, all of these technologies...
#58: Lessons From a Former Prostitute
Angel lived a life of prostitution and drugs on the streets of Akron, Ohio. Her life changed the day she met Becky, a woman who...
#173: Lessons I Learned from Grief
“One of the things I learned was that I could not fix what was broken, but I could create something new.” Join Dr. Juli Slattery and...
#172: My Husband Isn’t My Best Friend
When you say “I do”, are you also promising to be your spouse’s best friend? Is it important to think...
#67: Thinking About Remarriage?
Most people never plan on marrying twice, but many of us will. No matter how you got here, the decision to remarry can...
#171: Dating in 2017
Fifty years ago, the original Dating Game featured a single young woman who got to choose between three eligible bachelors. Not...
#167: People Are More Important Than Marriage
“If the cost of saving a marriage is destroying a woman, the cost is too high.” When Gary Thomas, author of the best-selling book...
#165: How to Talk with Your Spouse About ANYTHING
Some things aren’t worth talking about. Whenever you bring them up with your spouse, you end up in an argument....
#164: How to Work Through Missed Expectations in Marriage
Marriage doesn’t always turn out the way you think it will. Maybe your husband isn’t quite the gentleman he...
#163: Women & the Tough Bible Verses
Do you bristle at being called “the weaker sex” or at the suggestion that women should stay silent in...
#162: Helping Your Kids Navigate the Culture
Same-sex marriage, social media, easy-access pornography… this generation of young people faces a culture that is changing more...
BONUS! When God Re-Writes Your Story
Mary DeMuth has a powerful story to tell: what it was like to return to the place where she was raped at five years old. On this...
#88: When Sex Is Too Painful
When sex is painful, many husbands and wives live with frustration and shame because they don't know where to get help. On this Java...
#149: Getting to the Heart of Female Same-Sex Attraction
At the core of any relationship are two people who care about each other. So when you don’t approve of a relationship, how do you...
#136: How We Overcame an Affair: A Conversation with Jill and Mark Savage
"Every question Jill would ask, I tried to answer. My posture was: I will answer any question without defense. I...
#68: The Power of Being A Mom
Mothers today are dealing with many different issues than the moms of ten or fifteen years ago, but the influence she has on her...
#62: The Friendships of Women
Everyone needs a “BFF” (or “best friend forever”) who they can confide in, but cultivating and maintaining a close relationship...
#61: The Husband Project
Not happy in your marriage? Wish that your husband would be “_____”? Join Juli and her guests for...
#60: An Interview with Francine Rivers About Erotica
Join Juli as she has a candid discussion with one of this generation’s most popular Christian romance novelists, Francine Rivers....
#57: Picking A Spouse
If you’re single there are many things to consider before taking the leap into marriage. Anyone can get married, but are you focused...
#51: Working Through Depression
Have you lost your enthusiasm or your energy? Has your sense of adventure and willingness to gather in social situations dwindled...
#50: Body Obsession: What Defines You?
Who feeds your soul and your mind when it comes to your body image? There are so many young girls and women who don't measure up to...
#43: God’s Opinion about Sex
Everyone's got an opinion about sex... your mother, your hairdresser, and your friends; but God has a definite, distinct perspective...
#38: When the Honeymoon Is Over
When marriage isn’t everything you thought it would be, how do you respond? This is an honest conversation about loving your spouse...
#28: What Can YOU Do About Human Trafficking?
We got out of the coffee shop and recorded this conversation in front of over 1000 women, with human trafficking activist and lover...
#26: Spiritual Battle in Marriage
Marriage is a reflection of the degree of intimacy God wants with His children, so of course the Enemy is going to target it for...
#23: Understanding the “S” Word
For some women, the idea of submitting to their husband sends shivers up and down their spine. In this discussion with author Sara...
#17: How Kids Change Marriage
“First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage…”—THEN WHAT? The reality of children changing the...
#13: Insights on In-Laws
Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley join Dr. Juli Slattery to discuss the good, the great, the bad and the ugly aspect of dealing...
#125: Why We Need to End Our Obsession with Christian Barbie
Barbie has been in the news lately. For 57 years, this plastic woman has projected the ideal and unattainable image for American...
#5: God Has an Opinion About Sex
Did you know that God has an opinion about sex? More than that, did you know His word is full of truth about one of the most...
#115: Celebrating My Jewish Heritage: An Interview with Dr. Michael Rydelnik
One of Dr. Michael Rydelnik’s favorite activities is “drinking coffee, talking, and laughing with...
#110: How to Find Your Identity in Jesus
On this episode of Java with Juli, Dr. Juli Slattery is joined by Yvette Maher and author Heather Holleman. They candidly discuss...
#112: When Life Doesn’t Turn Out the Way You’ve Planned
Shana Miller got married for the first time when she was 46 years old. In this conversation with Juli, Shana shares how she...
#475 Why Empathy, Inner Healing, and Teamwork Are at the Heart of Building Intimacy
Sean and Lanette Reed join Juli in this episode to discuss how humility, faith, and empathy, helped them bridge gaps to create true intimacy.
#474 A Rebel’s Manifesto: How to Live Holy Different with Sean McDowell
What does it look like to live life as a Christian counter-culturally? How are we called to be in the world but not of the world when it comes to engaging with others, sharing the gospel, and addressing our own sin?
In this interview, Juli hosts author and professor Sean McDowell as they discuss his new book, “A Rebel’s Manifesto.” The book serves as a call and challenge to today’s Christians, urging them to revisit God’s Word and rethink what it means to be salt and light.
#470 Why Did We Start Hating Men? The Toxic War on Masculinity with Nancy Pearcey
When did it become normal for us as a culture not to like men? In this episode Juli’s guest is Nancy Pearcey, esteemed scholar, and author of “The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes”. She joins Juli to discuss the roots of toxic masculinity, what it means to be a good man, and how to combat the negativity around what it really means to be a man.
#468 Teaching Your Kids How to Love Their Bodies with Francie Winslow
How do we teach kids that God made their bodies and that He made their bodies good? Are there creative and intentional ways to connect with kids and help them develop a Biblical theology around their bodies?
In this episode, Juli connects with her friend Francie Winslow, a mother of six on a mission to imprint upon the hearts of her children the beauty of God’s design of their bodies and vision for their sexuality.
#467 Yes, Your Marriage Is Worth Fighting For (Here’s How to Save It)
While it may be the case that many people view marriage as a periphery issue, Juli’s guest, Pastor John McGee, argues that the way we love one another in marriage is one of the ways in which our faith is truly evident — “Marriage teaches us about the gospel, and the gospel teaches us about marriage.” Tune in to today’s episode of Java with Juli to discover some of what is missing in common teaching on marriage, and how leaning into the truth of the gospel equips us to love better, not just in marriage, but in all our relationships.
#463 (Bonus) The Need for Grace in Church-Based Conversations About Sex and Gender
When it comes to discussions around sex, historically the church has stayed quiet. As more and more pastors, authors, and psychologists within the church begin writing and talking about sex, the challenge becomes how to make these discussions accessible, nuanced, grace-filled, and Bible-based. In this episode, Juli speaks again with author and pastor Joshua Butler, as together they examine the challenges surrounding talking about sex from within the church.
#460 How To Have Mini and Many Conversations About Sexuality With Your Kids
How do you talk to young kids about sex? Keep conversations small and have them often. Justin and Lindsey Holcomb are back to share insights on talking to your kids about their bodies, God’s design for sexuality, and the boundaries of healthy touch.
#342: The Good Gift of Courage (And Why You Need It)
We talk often on Java with Juli about our culture’s confusing messages around sexuality. But today’s guest,...
Java Pack Listening Guide: Sexuality Meets Discipleship
Our culture is adept at sexual discipleship. Have you noticed? In every media outlet imaginable, we are confronted with an aggressive message of how to think about marriage, sexual activity, and sexual identity. Even Christians are far more likely to think like the...
#101: Following God’s Dream for Your Life
We all dream of things we want to make happen in our lives. But what if we told you that you had to surrender it all; that you have...
#292: Your Favorite Episodes of 2019
We're raising our mugs to your favorite episodes of 2019! You'll hear clips from Jonathan Daugherty with advice for wives married to...
#282: How Shame Impacts Us
Shame is becoming popular… in a good way. More than ever, both Christian and secular voices are calling out the messages that...
#267: Are You Having Sex or Building Intimacy?
You can be sexually active without being sexually intimate. But is that God's best? Our sexuality is designed to be laced with...
#255: Practicing Patience in Your Blended Family
If you're not part of a blended family, you probably love someone who is. Join Dr. Juli Slattery as she sits down with Ron Deal,...
#243: Your Favorites From 2018
We've got clips from your favorite Java episodes from 2018! You'll hear from Gary Thomas on roles in marriage, Laurie Krieg on...
#236: Pursuing Wholeness, Not Purity
None of us is pure, but we can be whole. The imperfect packaging of the evangelical purity movement left many feeling confused and...
#209: Tradition, Teaching & Women In the Church
Beth Moore recently blogged “A Letter to My Brothers” and flung open the doors to a discussion about women, teaching, and misogyny...
#203: Navigating Different Views on Sexuality
Do you know what you believe about sexuality? Can you talk about sexuality with other Christians who believe something different?...
#199: Sexual Harassment and the Workplace
Sexual harassment in the workplace is all over the news, and it can be challenging to know how to navigate...
#193: Loving Your Husband Well
How do you respect your husband when you don't respect his behavior? Are you trying to change your good husband into a perfect...
#190: Practical Ways to Love Your Husband
You have great influence in your husband's life. In your unique position, you can either tear him down or build him...
#189: Loving Your Real Life
As soon as my kids are in school… If only my husband could get that promotion… When I lose these last 10 pounds… We all...
#188: Meet the Women of Christmas
Do you believe that God uses women in beautiful, meaningful and pivotal ways? On this Java with Juli, meet Elizabeth,...
#185: How Well Do You Know Jesus?
You know the Christmas story by heart. For four weeks of the year you adore and celebrate the babe in the manger. And...
#183: Always Thankful
Celebrate Thanksgiving once a year? Easy as (pumpkin) pie. Be thankful all year round—through the mundane, the losses,...
#178: When It’s Hard to Be A Woman
Being female has gotten a bad rap. After years of femininity being squelched by the church, a new generation of leaders...
#170: Single Ladies, This One’s For You
How much should I share with my boyfriend about my sexual past? Is masturbating a sin? How much can we do before...
#168: Do You Believe Everything Is A Gift?
Hannah Nitz was able to sit down with two women who have influenced her since she was 12- Noelle Beck & Juli...
#166: We Are All Sexually Broken
Do you think that only individuals who watch pornography, use sex to feel loved, or cheat on their spouses are sexually...
#160: Why God Created You To Be Sexual
Most of us don’t ever wonder about the purpose of sex. It’s something we desire, something we do, and for some of us, something we...
#158: Q&A with Juli and Linda
Grab your coffee and join us as Juli and Linda tackle YOUR tough questions about sex. On this...
#151: The Naked Truth About Sex in Marriage
One hundred percent of couples struggle sexually. The truth is, if you want great sex in a great marriage, you’ve got to take off...
#142: How To Find Peace In Forgiveness
Popular author Anne Lamott wrote that, “Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to...
#138: My Long Journey of Healing from Childhood Abuse
Bev was an active wife and mom. She was even the women’s ministry leader at her church. And then, the memories started to come back....
#111: When You Have Every Reason To Leave
Billy & Vicki Rose were living the dream –glamour, celebrity, and sports in New York City. But their...
#135: My Heart Is Still at Home: A Conversation with Jill Savage About Confronting Infidelity
As a role model and encourager to thousands of wives and moms, Hearts at Home founder Jill Savage was shocked and heartbroken to...
#134: Why Intentionality Is One of the Most Romantic Things in Marriage
"My husband would never randomly skip work to have a date, he isn't much of an improviser, and he definitely...
#133: How to Follow Jesus in an UnChristian Culture
Like it or not, our world is changing. Even our Facebook pages can’t escape the political and social issues that are currently...
#132: Honest Answers to Your Questions About Sex
At Authentic Intimacy, we love hearing from women. We love answering your questions and teaching you how to hear from...
#20: Exposing Fifty Shades of Grey
Many women enjoy reading steamy romance novels to escape, but at what cost to true intimacy in their marriage? Women have legitimate...
#109: Messy Grace
Caleb Kaltenbach was raised by LGBT parents, marched in gay pride parades as a youngster, and experienced firsthand the hatred and...
#128: What You Need to Know about the Hearts and Minds of Men
You’ve probably heard that men are “visually wired” –and you’ve likely wondered what in...
#127: Learning How to Apologize In Relationships
“I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry I hurt you.” “I’m sorry I hurt you. Will you...
#106: Aging Men and Sex
Sexuality is an important part of who we are, but it is not all of life. If your husband is getting older, things are...
#91: When The Man You Love Was Abused
Many men keep sexual abuse a secret for years, but bring the side effects of their trauma into their marriage. How can a wife better...
#42: Healing From Trauma
Too often, children are exposed to horrific events that their minds just can’t comprehend or process. Later in life those...
#86: Sexuality and the Single Woman
Christians (when they talk about it) only discuss sex when it pertains to marriage, but what about the sexuality of singles? Just...
#83: When God Gets Hold Of You, Part II
You’ve been diagnosed with a fatal disease, your personal and professional life is in shambles, and you’ve been arrested and charged...
#82: When God Gets Hold Of You, Part I
Dr. Juli Slattery has a brutally honest conversation with Christopher Yuan, the son of Chinese immigrants, who discovered at an...
#78: Loving Your LGBT Neighbor
As we look at the news and how people are responding on social media, the world really needs to see the best of Christianity. Join...
#71: Body Image & The Bedroom
God wants us to use our body to glorify Him. The body you have today -- not the body you’d like to have, or the body you once had....