We see them on television in rural parts of the world, through aid organizations, and we see them around the corner with signs at...
#66: Careers, Marriage and Motherhood: Finding Your Identity In Christ
There’s more opportunity for women today than there has ever been, but there is a special burden for those who choose to marry, have...
#52: What’s It REALLY Like? And Other Dangerous Questions Part II
Join Authentic Intimacy team members, Hannah and Linda as they discuss the dangerous questions of marriage. Hannah's been married...
#46: The Impact of Technology on Families
How much screen time are you consuming each day? Do your children gravitate to digital communication, rather than face-to-face...
#45: Where’s My Prince Charming
So many Christian women “do all the right things”. They save their virginity for their wedding night, read the Word and attend...
#39: Cultivating Spiritual Intimacy
How do you feel about God? Is He your close friend, your beloved? Or is He someone you fight with and yell at? Intimacy with God is...
#35: Should Women Lead?
Juli Slattery & Sherry Surratt are two women who have stepped into large leadership positions in the Christian community. They...
#34: Women Who Are Caregivers
Although our guests aren’t biological sisters (they sure could be!), they do share one very monumental life circumstance…both of...
#31: In Honor of Military Spouses
We want to thank all military families by honoring the spouses who stand behind our warriors! This episode gives a good picture of...
#16: Finding Purpose
Have you ever found yourself at a place in your life where things aren't going as you’d hoped; the dreams you've had seem far too...
#8: Some Things Are Too Big to Forgive
Are some things beyond forgiveness? Life hands us some really hard things; things that we think...
#4: What is Authentic Intimacy?
In this Java with Juli, Juli casts the vision for what Authentic Intimacy is and how it got started. Juli and Linda also share about...
#546 Answering the Most Popular Questions on Sex, Dating, and Singleness
Juli and Hannah answer your questions about sex and singleness in this week’s special Java with Juli episode.
#195: Finding Your Confidence
Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re brave? Do you think you’re creative? “I love to encourage other women to stop...
#24: The Strong-Willed Woman
How many times has a confident, opinionated woman who speaks her mind been labeled something that was far less than flattering?...
#7: Understanding and Overcoming PMS
For many, PMS makes our bodies feel as if they are out of our control. Whether it's tears, anger, bloating or one...
#148: Is There a Man in the House?
It’s not just girl talk on Java with Juli. Gentlemen, today is all about you! In this episode, Dr. Gary Chapman...
#49: The Myth of the “Test Drive”
What does domestic violence, poverty for women, and a lack of relationship commitment have in common? Would you believe...
#146: All You Need Is Jesus! …And Your Therapist
When the words “Christian” and “counseling” are mentioned in the same sentence, there’s no shortage of opinions about whether or not...
#144: What Do You Really Believe About Being Single?
If you’re looking for “3 Steps to Finding the Love of Your Life” you won’t hear them on this episode of Java with Juli. Sadly, many...
#137: Why You Need to Learn How to Lose Arguments in Your Marriage
Conflict in marriage is inevitable. Fighting is optional. At the coffee shop today, Juli, Hannah and Yvette discuss the...
#130: Newlywed Sex: Growing Closer (And Getting Better!) With Time
Just like the proposal, the wedding day and the honeymoon, newlywed sex is loaded with excitement and emotion. So when things don’t...
#129: How You Can Choose Contentment Every Day
Women are worriers. We worry about things that will happen. We worry about things that won’t happen. We see it as...
#108: With This Ring
February is the month when romance seems to be in the air but are you taking every aspect of love and marriage...
#107: Surprised By The Healer
Listen to the founders of Authentic Intimacy, Dr. Juli Slattery and Linda Dillow talk about a book they co-authored, Surprised by...
#104: The Myth of Safe Sex
Are you gambling on the myth of “safe sex”? Dr. Juli Slattery has a conversation with an STD/STI...
#99: Living With Crisis Pregnancy Choices
The decision to have an abortion may seem like a quick fix, but the repercussions remain with a woman for the rest of her life....
#94: Cosmetic Surgery: Spiritually Helpful or Hurtful?
Many women today are more concerned about how their body looks, rather than being aware of the heart issues inside. If you are...
#87: Uncovering Hidden Anger
Is anger a sin or is it a normal healthy emotion? When you get angry, how do you handle the issue at hand? Join Dr. Juli Slattery...
#80: Conflict In Marriage
In your marriage, do you fight - or do you just have conflicts? How alike are you and your spouse when it comes to resolving...
#75: The Masculinity Factor in Parenting and Marriage
For Father’s Day, we’re taking a good look at what it means to be a man, what men need from women, how men should mentor other men,...
#73: When Life Becomes Undone
Have you ever felt as though you’ve gotten “the short end of the stick?" Has there been loss, sickness, tragedy or injustice in your...
#72: Your Family’s Sexual Legacy
Abuse can be generational, but God can redeem all things. Juli has coffee with mom and daughter team (Stephanie and Delilah), and...
#40: What Do We Fear?
Whether it’s a haunting memory from childhood that is seared in your mind, or just an unexplainable feeling that keeps you from moving forward -- this discussion on fear and anxiety will help you understand the Lord’s love for you, and the power that He...
#14: Christmas Confessions
Does Christmas mean pressure and disappointment? Or maybe you’re simply just too tired to pour yourself into the...
#1: Is This Thing On?
This is our VERY. FIRST. EPISODE of Java with Juli!
#145: How to Find Hope When Christmas Hurts
For some, this Christmas is anything but merry. Empty chairs where a loved one once sat, the loss of a job and no presents under the...
#143: Courage to Confront: What You Can Learn From the Mennonite Faith
"Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart." How true we find this scripture to be when we honestly consider...
#141: Why It Matters To Me When I See You Do Wrong
Your coworker is getting a little too friendly with a man who is not her husband. A member of your Bible study is living with her...
#139: Why Your Story Matters
Did you know you have a story to share? Your story may be one of incredible redemption. Or it...
#103: As Seen on TV: with Al and Lisa Robertson
Secrets, lies, betrayal and adultery. Young love and marriage. These are all things that make a perfect television drama, but the...
#96: Having a Mary Heart In A Martha World
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of family-life, homemaking, children and the holidays, but is that really where...
#90: 25 Questions You’re Afraid To Ask About Love, Sex and Intimacy
The title of this Java With Juli says it all! Juli talks about the release of her book “25 Questions” that tackles the most common and critical questions women ask her about sexuality.
#89: I’m Happy For You, Sort Of, Not Really
How many times have good things happened to your friends or family, and on the outside you’re all smiles, but on the inside, you’re...
#81: Zip It Girl! What To Say, When, And How To Say It
The average woman speaks over 20,000 words a day, not to mention the ones she types online. Have your words ever gotten you in...
#76: Coffee With Dr. James Dobson
Join two long-time, like-minded friends who admire one another and who both have a role to play in our emerging culture. Dr. James...
#74: What Happiness Means As a Wife
Everyone’s idea of “happiness” in marriage means something different, but is “happiness” the right goal? Happiness doesn’t come...
#85: AI Mailbag
We know you have questions, and the founders of Authentic Intimacy, Dr. Juli Slattery and Linda Dillow have the answers! Listen to...