How do you teach your kids about God's design and purpose for sexuality? How do you relate to your kids when today's sexual culture is so different from the sexual culture of your own childhood? During this webinar, Dr. Juli Slattery explains what it looks like to...
Webinar: Female Friendships—the Good AND the Bad
We can all agree that having female friends is a great gift in life, but why can they cause so much difficulty? Dr. Juli Slattery hosts this webinar with one of her favorite friends, Erin Smalley! These two share the value in friendship, be honest about why it can be...
Webinar: Sex Talk in Your Marriage: Conversations Every Couple Should Be Having
You can read books on how to have "the talk" with your kids, but do you have the talk in your marriage? We believe that conversations around sexuality should not just take place when there is a problem or you are figuring out when to have sex. In this webinar, Dr....
Webinar: Rethinking Sexuality: God’s Design and Why It Matters
We believe every Christian needs to be equipped with a Biblical understanding of sexuality. Not just, "Don't do it until your married,"but a full, practical, and Biblical narrative that we know, live out, and teach others. Dr. Juli Slattery invites you to join her for...
Webinar: Spicing Up Your Sex Life
Do you know that God's desire is for you and your husband to experience great pleasure in your sex life? Many couples settle for "vanilla" sex for years (aka the missionary position), placing self-imposed restrictions on themselves that have nothing to do with God's...
Webinar: How to Love Your Prodigal Child
Join Hannah Nitz as she sits down with Lori Wildenberg & Dr. Juli Slattery to talk about how to love your prodigal child. Lori is a mother who recognized her daughter's gender confusion early on. Despite many prayers and conversations, her daughter now leads a...
Webinar: Fighting Porn in Your Marriage
A recent survey revealed that approximately 85% of men interact with pornographic material on a monthly basis. With that statistic, we know that means porn has made it's way into many of our marriages. Pornography is killing our intimacy, and its widespread use and...
Webinar: Sex & the Single Girl
The average single Christian has received very little teaching on the purpose of sexuality, and a simple "Just wait until you're married" approach won't cut it. Christian singles need to be equipped with a biblical worldview of sexuality and practical tools for...
Webinar: When Your Greatest Fears Come True
Can you think of your greatest fear? Perhaps it's your husband getting into pornography, finding out you've been cheated on, watching your kids walk away from the Lord, or great harm being done to you. When your worst fear comes true, how do you continue to walk in...
Webinar: How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex
This webinar is a down to earth discussion between Dr. Juli Slattery and Dannah Gresh about when and how to talk to your kids about sex.
Q&A: Can a single person be truly happy?
Does being single mean being unhappy?
Q&A: How do I talk to my spouse about sex?
How can you begin talking about sex with your spouse?
Q&A: How do I love my child and disagree with their sexual choices?
How do you show love to an adult child while disagreeing with their choices?
Q&A: Why can’t I orgasm?
Juli answers a Q&A about orgasm.
Q&A: Is masturbation bad?
Is masturbation bad?
Q&A: Does my Spouse Watch Porn Because of me?
Is your spouse’s porn problem your fault?
Q&A: How do I Respond to my Kid’s Sexual Questions?
How do you talk to your kids about sexuality?
Q&A: I’m same-sex attracted, am I just supposed to suppress my sexuality?
Does following God mean we have to suppress our sexuality?
Webinar: Christian Psychology: Discerning when it’s helpful and harmful in ministry.
When people turn to counselors, the three questions they’re asking are: What do I do? Why did this happen? What’s the point?
In this webinar by Dr. Juli Slattery, learn how to address these questions with wisdom and compassion, and know your limitations.
Q&A: Where Do I Begin Healing?
Where do you start in your healing journey?
Balancing Family and Ministry Responsibilities
This recording is from Mental Health Mondays with Dr. Jennifer Degler. Topic:...
Setting Boundaries with Difficult People in Ministry Settings
This recording is from Mental Health Mondays with Dr. Jennifer Degler. Topic: Setting...
Webinar: Surprised by the Healer
You may have heard Juli say, "We are all sexually broken." So how do we get "fixed?" Pursuing healing may involve counseling, God's Word, and having trustworthy friends around you, but ultimate healing comes when we encounter the Healer Himself. Join Dr. Juli Slattery...
Webinar: Keeping the Romance Alive
This is a webinar for you and your spouse! Dr. Juli Slattery is joined by her husband, Mike. Mike and Juli talk through practical advice and honest barriers when it comes to keeping the romance alive in your marriage along with answering your questions in a live...
Webinar: His Brain, Her Brain
Our world is always telling us men and women are not different, but is that true? In this webinar, Dr. Walt & Barb Larimore will discuss how gender differences don't just exist--they are an important part of who God created us to be. You'll also learn how the...
Webinar: Having a Mission-Focused Marriage
When Gary Thomas wrote Sacred Marriage, he challenged the ideas many of us had on what's most important in our marriages. During this conversation, Hannah Nitz asks Gary to share his wisdom on making your marriage more "mission-focused." What does it look like to not...
Webinar: Give Your Husband the Benefit of the Doubt
After a few years of marriage, it's easy to form a list of things that frustrate us about our spouse. When they make a mistake, drop the ball, or don't meet our expectations, it becomes tempting to roll our eyes and start to expect mistakes. Author and speaker Erin...
Webinar: What #MeToo Tells Us
Every week we see a new story come out around a celebrity or politician and sexual abuse. This is sparking conversation all over the internet as men are being outed as abusers and women are coming forward with their stories. This has exploded into an entire movement...
Webinar: When Christians Disagree About Sexuality
Do you know what you believe about sexuality? Can you talk about sexuality with other Christians who believe something different? Speaking the truth in love takes effort. We need to express our views with kindness and compassion. How do we hold to a biblical worldview...
Webinar: Q&A with Juli
Our FAVORITE part of conferences is the live Q&A session. We let audience members text in their questions anonymously and Juli answers each one! In this webinar, we are bringing this same concept to you. What questions do you have about sexuality, your marriage,...
Webinar: When You & Your Spouse Disagree
If you're living with another person and sharing life with them, conflict is definitely going to happen. But could you believe that fighting could be good for marriage? Join Hannah as she talk with Greg & Erin Smalley and they share from their experience as...
Webinar: Sexual Discipleship
In every church, in every row are men and women who carry secrets and questions about sexuality, sexual abuse, abortions, pornography, and sexual identity. The virtual silence on these topics reinforces the thinking that God doesn't deal with our sexuality. So we look...
Webinar: Why Your Husband Needs You
Many women would use the word "helper" to describe their role as a wife, but why is being an encourager so important? Dr. Juli Slattery and Shaunti Feldhahn will address the vitally important message of encouraging your husband, and how vulnerable our men are to...
Webinar: How To Grow Closer To God
We make resolutions all the time--we're going to be stronger, healthier, wiser, more intentional, etc. But, do you think about making resolutions that grow your spiritual life? In this webinar, Linda Dillow teaches how you can grow closer to God. Linda shares from her...
Webinar: What Your Husband Really Wants for Christmas
"Christmas shopping for my husband is always a challenge. He's a particular guy. He takes hours to pick out a gym bag, and days to choose a watch. On my own, I never get it right. He's also the kind of guy who usually buys what he needs and doesn't wait for Christmas....
Webinar: When You Don’t Trust Your Spouse
Would you describe your marriage as hurting? Have you walked through a situation or affair that has broken your trust in your husband or wife? Are you wanting things to get better but aren't even sure where to start? Most marriages have likely experienced broken trust...
Q&A: My Wife Left Me, What do I do?
What do you do when your marriage abruptly comes to an end?
Q&A: Why Don’t I Like Sex?
Why might a woman not enjoy sex?
Q&A: Why is Gender Important?
Why is gender important?
Q&A: How do I Get Past the Shame of Sexual Sin?
How do you overcome the shame of sexual sin?
Building Intimacy With God Devotional
In the midst of anxiety, fear, or worry, God's Word tells us to fix our eyes on Him, handing over our worries into His care. But what does that look like practically? What if we don’t feel close to Him? How exactly do we build an intimate relationship with Him? This...
Date Nights In Video Series
Make the most of date nights at home and join Dr. Juli Slattery and her husband, Mike, for this virtual “Date Nights In” series. Each session includes a one-hour video teaching on an aspect of growing closer together in sexual intimacy, live Q&A, and a homework assignment.
Webinar: Human Trafficking in Your City
Do you know what human trafficking looks like in your city? Would you be able to recognize a woman who is in need of help? If so, how would you help her? In this webinar, Hannah Nitz sits down with two women who work against human trafficking everyday in Akron, Ohio....
Webinar: When You Feel Like Quitting
For many of us, the small sentence "I feel like quitting" can jump into our minds often. When we are in the middle of a hard season, tough situation, or even just a long day, life can feel too heavy. Can you relate to wanting to quit when it comes to your marriage...
Webinar: Making Fireworks in the Bedroom
Join Dr. Juli Slattery and Hannah Nitz as they have a practical conversation about growing sexual intimacy in your marriage. They'll dive into ways you and your spouse can celebrate the covenant of marriage in the bedroom and grow closer together as husband and...
Making Sense of God and Sex: for Members
Learn directly from Dr. Juli Slattery on "Why God Cares About Your Sexuality." Chances are, you have felt overwhelmed and underprepared to address questions around sexuality and intimacy. This is why the ministry of Authentic Intimacy exists: to encourage and equip...
Making Sense of God and Sex
Learn directly from Dr. Juli Slattery on 3 reasons questions about sex lead to questions about God. Chances are, you have felt overwhelmed and underprepared to address questions around sexuality and intimacy. This is why the ministry of Authentic Intimacy...