God, Sex and Your Marriage for Couples Facilitators – Lonnie and Kay

Get to Know Lonnie and Kay

-Mondays, 8–9:30 p.m. ET

 Hi, we are Lonnie and Kay. We are very excited to be leading an Authentic Intimacy OBS on God Sex and Your Marriage. We have participated in multiple OBS groups on God Sex and Your Marriage and facilitated a study in our church on Rethinking Sexuality.

We grew up together as high school sweethearts and married in 1994. We are blessed to be parents and recently grandparents. In our free time we enjoy traveling and outdoor activities.

Our passion is to encourage other marriages. Like many, this passion was born out of our own marital struggles. AI has been a large part of our healing journey.  We look forward to sharing insights and open discussions with you as we dig deeper into God’s design for marriage and sexuality.


Lonnie and Kay were very transparent, obviously had a heart for others, have been on their own journey and clearly worked through a lot and been educating themselves. They’ve invited a sweet “culture” by being authentic. Thanks for doing these. It has been helpful for us. Also, I LOVED having the accountability each week as motivation to continue reading and working through the material; breaking our group down into breakout sessions of a few couples at a time was very helpful, made discussion more possible than when in the whole large group.

What others are saying about God, Sex and Your Marriage:

The group created a place for connecting with other couples who are learning to think the same way about God’s design for sex within marriage. We loved seeing how much our journey is like the journey of others.

The best part of this group was connecting with other married couples who are navigating the same issues. It’s good to know that we are not alone in our struggles. We also appreciated the accountability to read and engage with the material. This group helped my husband and I talk about our issues as we learned from others, especially during break out groups. Finally, we appreciated Julie and Mike coming along and sharing their wisdom.

We joined this study together as the AI site and material has hugely blessed us. We got involved because we saw truth and wisdom there, and we had issues. I get the feeling that most people doing the courses have issues. There is so much hurt and confusion out there and we so appreciate you fighting the battle for healing and reclamation of our marriages and our sexuality, and our intimacy with God.

We loved the community of people in the group. We aren’t alone. I wish we could keep meeting. It was nice to have like minded people give wisdom and insight. The group became a place where couples could have honest and transparent conversations about marriage and sexuality every single week!

Discover God’s design

for sexuality today.


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