Q & A Videos

Q&A: We just got engaged. How do we start to prepare for our marriage?

Q&A: We just got engaged. How do we start to prepare for our marriage?

Q&A: Help! What do I do if my spouse annoys me?

Q&A: Help! What do I do if my spouse annoys me?

Q&A: How can I tell the difference between sexual desire and a desire for intimacy?

Q&A: How can I tell the difference between sexual desire and a desire for intimacy?

Q&A: My spouse never wants to have sex. What do I do?

Q&A: My spouse never wants to have sex. What do I do?

Q&A: How do I start to heal after my spouse’s affair?

Q&A: How do I start to heal after my spouse’s affair?

Q&A: Is it okay to have sex before marriage?

Q&A: Is it okay to have sex before marriage?

Q&A: How do I explain the unbiblical sexual choices others make to my young kids?

Q&A: How do I explain the unbiblical sexual choices others make to my young kids?

Q&A: How do I love and care for a family member who just came out as LGBTQ+?

Q&A: How do I love and care for a family member who just came out as LGBTQ+?

Q&A: Does God want me to be happy?

Q&A: Does God want me to be happy?

Q&A: How do you love people you disagree with?

Q&A: How do you love people you disagree with?

Q&A: Is it okay to not get married?

Q&A: Is it okay to not get married?

Q&A: What’s OK for a married couple in the bedroom?

Q&A: What’s OK for a married couple in the bedroom?

Q&A: Will I ever be able to heal from sexual trauma?

Q&A: Will I ever be able to heal from sexual trauma?

Q&A: How do I not pass sexual shame on to my kids?

Q&A: How do I not pass sexual shame on to my kids?

Q&A: Why do I keep sinning?

Q&A: Why do I keep sinning?

Q&A: Can a single person be truly happy?

Q&A: Can a single person be truly happy?

Q&A: How do I talk to my spouse about sex?

Q&A: How do I talk to my spouse about sex?

Q&A: How do I love my child and disagree with their sexual choices?

Q&A: How do I love my child and disagree with their sexual choices?

Q&A: Why can’t I orgasm?

Q&A: Why can’t I orgasm?

Q&A: Is masturbation bad?

Q&A: Is masturbation bad?

Q&A: Does my Spouse Watch Porn Because of me?

Q&A: Does my Spouse Watch Porn Because of me?

Q&A: How do I Respond to my Kid’s Sexual Questions?

Q&A: How do I Respond to my Kid’s Sexual Questions?

Q&A: I’m same-sex attracted, am I just supposed to suppress my sexuality?

Q&A: I’m same-sex attracted, am I just supposed to suppress my sexuality?

Q&A: My Wife Left Me, What do I do?

Q&A: My Wife Left Me, What do I do?

Q&A: Why Don’t I Like Sex?

Q&A: Why Don’t I Like Sex?

Q&A: Why is Gender Important?

Q&A: Why is Gender Important?

Q&A: How do I Get Past the Shame of Sexual Sin?

Q&A: How do I Get Past the Shame of Sexual Sin?

Q&A: How do I Connect with my Emotionally Disconnected Husband?

Q&A: How do I Connect with my Emotionally Disconnected Husband?

Q&A: What am I Supposed to do With my Sexuality as a Single Christian?

Q&A: What am I Supposed to do With my Sexuality as a Single Christian?

Q&A: Is Porn Sinful?

Q&A: Is Porn Sinful?

Q&A: Can Sexual Sin be Forgiven?

Q&A: Can Sexual Sin be Forgiven?

Q&A: How Do I Love My LGBTQ Friends Without Compromising Biblical Truth? (Part 2)

Q&A: How Do I Love My LGBTQ Friends Without Compromising Biblical Truth? (Part 2)

Q&A: What Does God Say About Divorce?

Q&A: What Does God Say About Divorce?

Q&A: Is It OK to Call a Transgender Friend by Their Preferred Pronouns?

Q&A: Is It OK to Call a Transgender Friend by Their Preferred Pronouns?

Q&A: Are Sexual Sin and Sexual Brokenness the Same Thing?

Q&A: Are Sexual Sin and Sexual Brokenness the Same Thing?

Q&A: How Do I Know if My Spouse Is Repentant After a Betrayal?

Q&A: How Do I Know if My Spouse Is Repentant After a Betrayal?

Q&A: How Often Is ‘Normal’ for Having Sex Within Marriage?

Q&A: How Often Is ‘Normal’ for Having Sex Within Marriage?

Q&A: What Is the Purpose of My Sexuality as a Single?

Q&A: What Is the Purpose of My Sexuality as a Single?

Q&A: How Can I Love Someone Who Is Struggling with Sexual Sin and Brokenness?

Q&A: How Can I Love Someone Who Is Struggling with Sexual Sin and Brokenness?

Q&A: Is Masturbation a Sin?

Q&A: Is Masturbation a Sin?

Q&A: Is It Possible For The Woman to Be The Higher Drive Partner?

Q&A: Is It Possible For The Woman to Be The Higher Drive Partner?

Q&A: Is God Okay With Me Having Sex With Someone I Love Even If We Are Not Married?

Q&A: Is God Okay With Me Having Sex With Someone I Love Even If We Are Not Married?

Q&A: Is It My Responsibility to Meet My Spouse’s Sexual Needs?

Q&A: Is It My Responsibility to Meet My Spouse’s Sexual Needs?

Q&A: Past Sexual Trauma Inhibits My Ability to Enjoy Sex. Is There Hope That I Can Ever Heal?

Q&A: Past Sexual Trauma Inhibits My Ability to Enjoy Sex. Is There Hope That I Can Ever Heal?

Q&A: What Should I Do If I Discover My Spouse Looking at Porn?

Q&A: What Should I Do If I Discover My Spouse Looking at Porn?

Q&A: How Do I Learn to Trust My Spouse Again After an Affair?

Q&A: How Do I Learn to Trust My Spouse Again After an Affair?

Q&A: How Can I Overcome the Shame I Experienced as a Result of Purity Culture?

Q&A: How Can I Overcome the Shame I Experienced as a Result of Purity Culture?

Q&A: Is Sex Necessary For Intimacy?

Q&A: Is Sex Necessary For Intimacy?

Q&A: We Have Sex Regularly, but My Husband Never Seems Satisfied. What Do I Do?

Q&A: We Have Sex Regularly, but My Husband Never Seems Satisfied. What Do I Do?

Q&A: What If I’m Not Attracted to My Spouse Anymore?

Q&A: What If I’m Not Attracted to My Spouse Anymore?

Q&A: Is There Any Hope for Me in My Struggle with Porn?

Q&A: Is There Any Hope for Me in My Struggle with Porn?

Q&A: Sex Has Never Been Pleasurable in Our Marriage. Should I Just Fake It?

Q&A: Sex Has Never Been Pleasurable in Our Marriage. Should I Just Fake It?

Q&A: How Do I Love My LGBTQ Friends Without Compromising Biblical Truth?

Q&A: How Do I Love My LGBTQ Friends Without Compromising Biblical Truth?

Q&A: What Is the Difference Between Sexual Integrity and Purity?

Q&A: What Is the Difference Between Sexual Integrity and Purity?

Q&A: Is Sending Nudes and Homemade Porn Okay if We’re Married?

Q&A: Is Sending Nudes and Homemade Porn Okay if We’re Married?

Q&A: How Can I Steward My Sexuality as a Single?

Q&A: How Can I Steward My Sexuality as a Single?

Q&A: Where Do I Begin Healing?

Q&A: Where Do I Begin Healing?