Rethinking Sexuality for Women Facilitator – Tisa

Get to Know Tisa

Hello, my name is Tisa Ellis and I am excited to again lead ‘Rethinking Sexuality’ for women!’ I’m a nurse and a mama of two, and a wife. I praise God for redemption and daily renewing of my mind and heart. He is faithful! And in that I trust, rejoice and worship Him. My desire is to journey together through this beautiful yet complex book!


Tisa is a great leader and does a good job facilitating. In our group, I loved the vulnerability of the ladies, the accountability that came naturally with being part of a group, and the uniqueness of each of the ladies and their stories. They have been such a blessing to me! I liked the evening study time frame, meeting women on line from places outside the US.

What others are saying about Rethinking Sexuality:

I was flipping through an old notebook this morning and was AWESTRUCK when I turned the page and right there were my notes from my very first exposure to Authentic Intimacy and Juli. 5 1/2 years ago these ideas were brand new to my brain, and now as I read over them, I recognize how sexual discipleship has been at work in my life because these ideas have become such a deep part of how I think about God and sexuality. I’m currently rereading “Rethinking Sexuality” for the 4th time, and am still finding new and deeper truth as I dig into these concepts. I so clearly recognize my need for continual, ongoing sexual discipleship, and am so grateful for the ministries of AI and SD and the transformational work Christ has done and continues to do through them!

So glad I did this study! God is using it to speak truth into me and these other ladies. The word that best describes how it is changing my thinking is “integrated”. I see how I have not included God into some areas of my life, sexual and other issues. The first week was especially helpful with that. I only have daughters and am planning on asking them if they would be open to doing the study.

My husband and I have led a home group through Rethinking Sexuality. It has blown my mind. So much clear, bold and loving wisdom shared through those 7-weeks. Some startling challenges have inspired and motivated me to dig deeper into God’s word and have conversations about my reflections. I have a growing passion to see this stronghold of the enemy reclaimed for God’s glory.

I just read your book, Rethinking Sexuality, in a book club with some of my friends. I found myself yelling out loud after nearly every page, “YES! THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING!” In some instances, I even felt some twinges of deja vu, where it felt like I was reading my own thoughts and beliefs. The entire time, I kept having this nagging feeling that I needed to reach out to you. So, when I finished your book, I did some more digging into you and Authentic Intimacy to find some more incredible similarities between us. I even giggled because you went to Biola, long standing rival of my alma mater, Azusa Pacific 🙂 When I discovered you were only a couple of hours away from me, I decided to quit ignoring the voice in my head and just jump off the cliff. So, here you are, reading what I can already tell is way too long of an email from a girl that you don’t know but I swear that our souls are connected in the calling to pursue the ministry of holy sexuality. This last summer, a dear friend asked me what my dream job was and I told him that all I ever wanted to do was teach students about true holy sexuality. His response has stuck with me ever since, all he said was “ok, then do it.” A few months later I would discover your book, your ministry, and you as a person! To be honest I’m not sure why I am writing this email to you. In a dream world, I would love to find a way to work with you. To join your organization and your mission to spread the message of holy sexuality to anybody who will hear it. At the very heart of it all, though, I am writing to say thank you for doing what you are doing and to step out in faith to listen to the voice in my head begging me to contact you.

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