Results for "sexual discipleship"

Reclaim Member Gathering

Join us before "Reclaim: Surrendered Sexuality" to gather with our Authentic Intimacy and Sexual Discipleship member communities for a time of fellowship and dinner! Time: 4:30–6pm ET on Friday, October 18 (Doors will open at 6pm for Reclaim.) We are used to meeting...

Her Freedom Journey

Preorder “Her Freedom Journey” today and receive 3 free bonus resources sent to your inbox: Asking God for Forgiveness activity, Journal Prompts, and Truths to Meditate On.  Get Your Free Resourses. Women struggle too. We are all sexually broken. And we are all...

Words Have Consequences

Words Have Consequences

We live in a day and age in which there is a lot of debate about words. What’s okay to say? What is politically correct? How can we speak in ways that are not offensive? As we discuss issues like politics, racial justice, and sexuality with others, we can feel as if...

Why Age Doesn’t Always Lead to Wisdom

Why Age Doesn’t Always Lead to Wisdom

With each birthday celebration, I have friends and relatives who console each other by saying something like, “At least we are getting wiser!” There is an old adage that with age comes wisdom. Without a doubt, the longer we live on the planet, the more we have seen...