Who wants to pay $100 a month to have door-slamming, ruin-the-family-dinner arguments with your teen like clockwork? No one. But...
Authentic Intimacy
#307: On the Brink of Divorce
Susan Cox sat in church, a hotel room key in her purse, and an ongoing affair pushing her to leave her marriage for good. She was...
COVID-19 y pornografía: Una salida rápida, pero no una solución
Desde el inicio de COVID-19, la industria de la pornografía ha experimentado un aumento masivo en el tráfico de sitios web. El 24 de marzo, un sitio importante anunció que su contenido premium sería gratuito para todos los visitantes, lo que resultó en un aumento...
#301: Staying Connected With the Next Generation
When you hear "generational gap," do you think: about your mother, who can't understand your parenting...
Webinar: Pornography: Help for Spouses & Parents
The desires that lead to sexual addiction are not wrong. Men and women who find themselves caught up in porn, reading books like Fifty Shades of Grey, or in a sexual chat room got there because their healthy God-given desires have been twisted. We are supposed to...
#300: Christians Struggle with Sexual Addiction Too
Did you know that 68% of Christian men struggle with unwanted sexual behavior? That 25% of Christian women use sex to hide a deeper...
#298: Bonus! Sexual Identity is Big, Identity As a Child of God is Bigger
In this episode, Juli continues her conversation with Laurence Koo. Join them as they discuss the tension created when so much of...
#296: An Insider’s Story of Human Trafficking
Have you ever wondered why U.S. trafficking victims don’t just run? Do you feel compassion for child victims, but...
#295: We All “Desconstruct,” It’s Reconstructing that Matters
Questions about sexuality, sexual abuse, and gender have sent a new wave of “deconstructing” throughout the...
#294: When You Want Sex, But Your Spouse Doesn’t
In every marriage, there is typically one partner with a higher sexual drive. And that person is usually trying to convince the...
#289: How to Choose Unity (Even When You Disagree)
Juli and her guests discuss their reactions to John MacArthur's recent comments about women teaching the Bible. Join us for a...
#288: Max Lucado Says #MeToo
Max Lucado has never pretended to be something he’s not. The beloved author and pastor has always been open about his struggles. But...
#285: Loving Without Compromise
Yes, you can love a gay or lesbian friend without trying to change them. Sadly, many in the LGBT+ community feel shamed by...
Breaking Free from Sexual Addiction
Sometimes I joke about things I am "addicted" to. Coffee and dark chocolate are definitely on the list. Honestly, we are all addicted to something—there are things in life we just can't seem to get by without. You may be addicted to your husband's affection, a daily...
#279: Why You Feel Shame When Your Spouse Cheats
A betrayed spouse often feels as much (or more) shame as their partner. In this episode Juli welcomes Dr. Sheri...
#277: Children, Teens, and Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse can happen anywhere and predators are typically someone a child already trusts. If your child is...
#276: Parenthood, Exhaustion & Avoiding Sex
She's a busy and tired mama. He's stressed to the max with work and family. Can't they just put sex and...
How Do We Tell Good From Evil?
Is it wrong to live together before marriage? Does gender really matter? Is it wrong to support gay marriage? These are the types of questions that we often get asked at Authentic Intimacy. Perhaps more than ever, many Christians are confused about right and wrong....
#275: Finding Freedom from Unwanted Desires
Overwhelmingly, the response to unwanted sexual desires has been to manage them. Bounce your eyes. Get accountability....
#274: Vulnerability, Infidelity & God’s Redemption
For Jessica McDaniel, infidelity as a woman meant double the shame. In this episode, she shares the lies she believed as a teenager...
#273: Tell Someone You’re Broken
If you’re ever going to heal, you have to tell someone you’re broken. In this episode of Java with Juli, our guest shares how he...
#272: From Sexual Exploitation to Freedom (Harmony’s Story)
According to our guest, most women in the sex industry want to escape but have no other means for survival. As an abused child, rape...
#268: BONUS! When God “Wakes Up” Your Love Life
Did you know that an intimate relationship with the Lord can lead to a more intimate relationship with your husband? In this BONUS...
#159: When Your Child Struggles With Gender
If your child is making choices you don’t agree with, this episode is for you! Juli sits down with a mother who recognized her...
#259: Our Marriage Survived Painful Sex
Jennifer went to her doctor to get help for the excruciating pain she felt during sex. She left with a clean bill of...
#258: Your Questions About Pornography
Can I ever trust him again? How do we rebuild sexual intimacy together? Should you even date a guy who struggles with porn? Dr....
#254: Sex, Race & Healing: How We’re the Same and Different
There is no magic pill to heal from traumatic sexual experiences. In this episode Juli talks with therapist Dawn Jones about why we...
#250: Healing After Abortion
It’s time to let women know there is healing after abortion. While Christians rightly proclaim the sanctity...
#247: Healthy Conversations With Kids About Sex
Julie Lyles Carr has parented eight children over the last 25 years. We think she might have a thing or two to teach us about...
#169: Your Wounded Heart
It wasn’t that bad. What happened to you definitely wasn’t as bad as other abuse stories you’ve heard and read about. It’s...
#33: What’s It Like to Be Married to Me?
Have you ever asked yourself, What's it like to be married to me? What's it like to make love with me? Why do I want to stay mad? ...
#240: Birth Control & Family Planning
Is it okay to use birth control? Can the pill cause an early abortion? Juli and her guest discuss the ethical issues that surround...
#237: BONUS! Reconstructing Intimacy After Breast Cancer
"I never imagined there would be a point in my life when a piece of me would have to be reconstructed. That at age...
#234: We Can Do THAT in the Bedroom?
What's OK in the bedroom? Juli, Linda & Yvette tackle one of our most popular questions in this episode of Java...
#232: When Sexual Abuse Happens At Church
When sexual abuse happens in the church our leaders are (historically) more likely to defend the powerful than to...
How to Choose a Wise Counselor
(Presione aquí para leer en español) All your own efforts and gumption, your prayers and advice-seeking, your reading and research—you've tried it all, and still your struggle persists. You've reached it: the point at which you know you need help. You need a...
#21: The Pain of Losing a Child
There is little anyone can do to help with the grief of a miscarriage, but if you or someone you...
#12: Loving Your Husband As You Age
The challenges of married life change as we grow older, and very few people talk about them. That's why Dr. Juli Slattery invited...
#122: How Christians Can Respond to the Orlando Tragedy
The June 2016 shooting at the gay night club Pulse was a national tragedy – the likes of which often bring mourning human beings...
#120: What to Do When Your Husband Doesn’t Want to Grow Up
“I feel like I’m married to a child!” says the woman who claims her husband just won’t grow up....
#118: When To Talk To Your Kids About Sex
Do you remember when your mom or dad sat you down to have “the talk”? Are you wondering when and how you should approach this...
#116: How to Love Your Husband with Your Whole Heart
Very few of us go to the altar and vow to give our husbands "most of" our hearts. On our wedding day we’re all in! But after the...
Q&A: We just got engaged. How do we start to prepare for our marriage?
How can you prepare for sex in marriage when you’re engaged?
Transcript: #552 When You Want Sex More Than Your Husband Does
A transcript of Java with Juli #552, a conversation between Dr. Juli Slattery and Sheri Mueller, LCPC, and author of “I Want Him to Want Me”.
Q&A: How do I start to heal after my spouse’s affair?
How do you heal after the betrayal of a spouse?
Q&A: Is it okay to have sex before marriage?
Is sex before marriage okay?
Lo que necesitas saber sobre el sexo antes de tu noche de bodas
Aunque no podemos anticiparlo todo (lo cual es parte de la diversión), puede ser útil saber algunas cosas antes del día de tu boda.
Q&A: How do I explain the unbiblical sexual choices others make to my young kids?
How to talk to your kids about other people’s sexual choices.
¡Ayuda! ¡Estoy en un Matrimonio sin Sexo!
Mi esposo y yo no hemos tenido relaciones sexuales en dos años. La sequía comenzó después de que tuve a nuestro tercer hijo. Nunca he disfrutado realmente del sexo. Siempre estaba cansada, y simplemente dejé de pensar que valía la pena el esfuerzo. Ahora, ni siquiera...
#537 Can You Be a Christian Feminist?
Dr. Abigail Favale shares why our bodies matter and how we can cultivate a deep and rich theology around sex and gender.
Cuando tu hijo adulto toma decisiones sexuales con las que no estás de acuerdo
Aquí hay un marco de cuatro cosas que pueden guiarte mientras recorres el difícil camino de criar a un adolescente o adulto joven a través del pecado sexual y el quebrantamiento.
#297: Finding Freedom in the Midst of Brokenness
Laurence Koo, guest speaker at our upcoming Reclaim Conference, shares what freedom looks like when you experience same-sex attraction.
Cómo cerrar la brecha entre deseos sexuales desiguales en el matrimonio
Aunque no es agradable lidiar con desacuerdos sobre las preferencias sexuales, es necesario hablar sobre el sexo.
#517 How to Beat Loneliness and Cultivate Deeper Friendships
Jeff Kemp joins Juli to talk about what we need to do to cultivate deep, long-lasting, and life-altering friendships.
#514 How Deconstruction and Divorce Rocked a Young Couple’s Life
Chris and Stephanie Teague, the musical duo behind Out of the Dust, share how their marriage fell apart and how God put it back together.
How to Bridge the Gap in Mismatched Libidos in Marriage
Juli expands on a popular episode with Dr. Michael Sytsma and Shaunti Feldhahn all about how couples can bridge the sexual desire gap.
For a Better Marriage, Try This
What do you think is the most important element when it comes to marriage?
When Your Adult Child Makes Sexual Choices You Disagree With
What does it look like to love God and love an adult child who has a very different sexual ethic?
Should I Go to a Gay Wedding?
Few topics in today’s world are more divisive in the Christian Church than sexuality.
#503 Lies, Pornography and Sex Addiction Almost Ended Their Marriage, Now They Help Others Find Hope
How do porn and sex addiction really affect a family?
#500 Sex, Faith and Family: Conversations Every Couple Should Have Pre-Marriage
Are you ever really ready for marriage? Are there certain conversations couples should have prior to engagement? Scott Kedersha weighs in.
#494 Purity Culture, Men and Sexual Entitlement
The purity narrative failed men too. Noah Filipiak unpacks some of the harmful ideas passed on to men in an effort to protect purity.
Q&A: What Does God Say About Divorce?
What does God say about divorce? Juli unpacks this layered topic.
#492 How Human Trafficking Causes Us to Rethink What We Believe About God
Author Charles Martin unpacks some of the realities of human trafficking, what it means to be broken, and what it takes to find freedom.
#363: Why Are Christians Afraid Of the LGBT+ Conversation?
Rachel Gilson discusses why it’s more important than ever to maintain a high view of scripture and know what the Bible says about our sexuality.
3 Subconscious Beliefs You May Hold About Living With Same-Sex Attraction
Scripture reveals that the way we think shapes our actions, but have you given thought to what and how you think about our sexuality?
#386: What’s the Secret To Getting the Marriage & Intimacy You Want? Go Vertical
Guests Dave and Ann Wilson join Juli in this special bonus episode as they share how God transformed their marriage from the top down.
#388 Single & Sexually Whole
The late Dr. Doug Rosenau joins Juli to discuss the difference between erotic and social sexuality, and why we need to rethink desire.
#483 Why You Need a New Theology of Singleness, Even if You’re Married
Join Juli and guest Dr. Danielle Treweek as we kick off week two of our 7-week series exploring various themes around God, sex and intimacy.
Q&A: Is It Possible For The Woman to Be The Higher Drive Partner?
Are husbands always the higher desire partners?
Q&A: What Should I Do If I Discover My Spouse Looking at Porn?
What do you do when you discover your spouse watches porn?
#469 Porn, Rape Culture, and Why The Battle Against Sexual Assault Starts at Home
Did you know that on average, each year, around 463,634 Americans are victims of sexual assault? That’s a heartbreaking statistic, and it reveals a very real source of pain and trauma in contemporary American culture. What causes people to commit sexual assault? Is there a way to stop it? Dr. John Foubert joins Juli to discuss some of the reasons these numbers are so high, and what can and needs to be done to prevent sexual assault from happening.
#466 Enough is Enough: Recognizing and Combating Abusive Relationships
Is there a difference between a bad relationship and a harmful one? How can you spot the difference, both in your own relationships and those of your friends and family?
Join Juli and Dr. David Clarke as they discuss how to recognize abuse patterns of behavior, how to set boundaries, and when necessary, how to get out and create safety elsewhere.
#464 Why We Need to Remember The Dignity of Singleness
Is it possible your view of singleness and marriage is less than Holy? Is it possible to find contentment, not in whether we are single or married, but in Jesus Himself? Juli and Sam Allberry discuss the dignity of singleness, finding contentment in Christ, and the key to true friendship.
#462 Beautiful Union: How Our Sexuality Reveals God’s Heart for Covenant Love
What if sex and gender are not as arbitrary as many people tend to think? Is it possible that God has woven holy significance into our very DNA as gendered, sexual beings? In this episode, Juli sits down with author Joshua Butler to talk about his book, “Beautiful Union”, and the ways we can see God’s gospel message evidenced in everything from the beauty of a sunset to our own sexuality.
#452 Porn Addiction in Marriage: How to Let God Redeem Your Story
When it comes to porn, the gender gap is closing. Meet two women who know that overcoming a pornography addiction or sexual shame is not about changing your behavior but about allowing Jesus to transform your identity. One is the Samaritan women who met Jesus at the well and the other is Jessica Harris, Juli’s guest on “Java with Juli.”
#451 Porn Addiction and Women: Break the Silence, Bring the Hope
When it comes to porn, the gender gap is closing. Meet two women who know that overcoming a pornography addiction or sexual shame is not about changing your behavior but about allowing Jesus to transform your identity. One is the Samaritan women who met Jesus at the well and the other is Jessica Harris, Juli’s guest on “Java with Juli.”
#445: Give the Gift of Seeing the Good in What You Have
Seeing the good in all things does not mean ignoring the bad. Rather, as we approach the hard things, we see the...
How Do I Know He’s “The One”?
Q: Is there one person I'm meant to marry, or should I just choose a good man? A: This question isn't simply a contemplative exercise; it impacts how you approach dating and marriage. However, I think it is the wrong question to be asking. The question of "Is there...
Prioritize Sexual Intimacy by Getting Your Bedroom Ready, Part 3
One very practical and creative way to work on sexual intimacy in your marriage is to put thought and intention into the physical space of your bedroom. Whether or not you are aware of it, the environment of your bedroom impacts your sexual intimacy. Here is a quick...
Prioritize Sexual Intimacy by Getting Your Mind Ready, Part 1
“Your most important sex organ is your brain.” I remember when I first heard this statement as a young married woman. Enjoying sex is practically impossible without thinking about it. Both men and women can struggle to know how to think about sex in a way that is...
A Road Map to Sexual Integrity in the Midst of Sexual Brokenness
Do you want to know the question that keeps me up at night? It’s this: How can I honor God with my sexuality in the face of my sexual brokenness and unmet desires? At Authentic Intimacy, we often use words like sexual wholeness or sexual integrity instead of sexual...
Are You a Good Friend? 7 Keys to Building Healthy Friendship
Several months ago, a friend invited me to coffee. After catching up on kids and ministry, I noticed her countenance shift. She obviously was struggling to share something difficult with me. After a few deep breaths, my friend explained how several years ago I had...
#214: Answers To Your Questions About Sex, with Dr. Juli Slattery & Linda Dillow
Is it “dirty” to dress up for your husband in the bedroom? Is it wrong to masturbate if your husband can’t have sex? What if your...
What To Wear in the Bedroom?
Do you need to change what you wear in the bedroom? Like me, maybe you choose your sleepwear based on comfort and not to entice. I much prefer Life is Good to Victoria Secret in the bedroom, but we will save that conversation for another day. Even though I sometimes...
#391: Make Your Relationship Better With a Few Intentional Habits
Relationships naturally find ruts. With our natural bent toward self-love, we easily get stuck focusing on our own needs or...
#389: Thinking About Becoming a Blended Family?
Blended family couples have honeymoon phases too!—they just usually come a little later. Even the strongest couples will face...
#381: “Show It Off” or “Cover It Up”: Messages That Shape Our Body Image
What messages have you been told about your body and your sexuality? At the coffee shop with Juli are two...
#380: How To Have Honest Conversations With Your Kids About Sex
How do you create an environment in your home where your kids feel OK talking about sex? When they struggle, how do you protect...
#374: Jackie Hill Perry on the Trustworthiness of God
Your marriage, your sexuality, wounds from your past, or things you can't see yet ... what do you struggle to trust God with? In...
#36: What Kind of Love Are You Making?
If there is one place in the Bible that gives women permission to have fun, to explore and to enjoy sexual pleasure, it’s the poetic...
#371: Schedule Sex and Dry Cleaning In the Same Conversation? It Works
Being intentional about the business of marriage builds intimacy. When couples make decisions together, their emotions and buy-in...
Webinar Series: Sexual Pleasure: How To Get Your Mind and Body to Work Together, Pt 3
Saying "Yes!" to Sexual Pleasure Part 3 in this webinar series In the final webinar in our series, Dr. Jennifer Degler brings her humor, candor, and expertise to help you understand how to get your brain and your body working together so that you can share the kind of...
#370: Why the Single Life Is Uniquely Meaningful and Totally Ordinary
Do you feel stuck somewhere between "not married" and "not called to singleness"? Truth be told, few single Christians feel called...
#369: Changing the Way We Talk About Porn (Because Women Struggle Too)
“I had one woman say, ‘I struggle with masturbation.’ And she just started crying. And then she said, ‘I’ve never said that word...
#368: Aging Bodies Can Still Enjoy Sexuality. Are You Giving Up Too Soon?
There's ED (erectile dysfunction), PE (premature...
#95: The Dating Manifesto
Do you struggle with being single? Maybe you've been rethinking that 21-point list of "non-negotiable" qualities you need in a...
#366: No More Pushing Past the Pain! God Cares About Your Sexual Pleasure
What do you do when sex hurts? Do you white-knuckle your way through it, because you think you...
#362: How To Become a Better “Better Half” with Jamie Ivey
A complement, according to Webster, is “something that fills up, completes, or makes better or perfect.”...
#359: How To Help Women Speak Out Against Sexual Harassment
Tiffany Bluhm wishes this wasn’t her story to tell. Like most victims or bystanders of sexual harassment, she had everything to lose...