Authentic Intimacy

#472 Embracing Grief: Why We Need to Connect Sadness, Gratitude, and Celebration

#472 Embracing Grief: Why We Need to Connect Sadness, Gratitude, and Celebration

It can often be tempting to push through the uncomfortable feelings that come with loss and try to just keep calm and carry on. But is that what we’re called to as followers of Christ? If Christ Himself took time to grieve, shouldn’t we?

Dr Greg and Erin Smalley join Juli on this episode of Java with Juli as they discuss the need to face and make sense of our pain so we can embrace real joy. 

#471 How to Understand, Celebrate, and Leverage Neurological Differences in Relationships

#471 How to Understand, Celebrate, and Leverage Neurological Differences in Relationships

There are always differences in relationships – differences in culture, differences in family of origin, differences in communication and conflict style – but what if you and someone you love just think differently? The thing is, while we may live in a world designed for neurotypical people, the world is full of people who are neurodivergent; those of us who process, learn, experience and interact with the world in ways not considered typical.

#465 Love Dares: Using Playfulness to Build Sexual Intimacy

#465 Love Dares: Using Playfulness to Build Sexual Intimacy

If you’re a husband or wife who finds sex dull or monotonous, it may be time for you to revisit the way God designed marital sex. The truth is that God desires for you to enjoy building sexual intimacy with your spouse, not just endure it. In this podcast episode, Juli and guest Dr. Jennifer Degler talk about how God gives the gift of sexual play to couples, and the practical (and fun!) ways you can connect with your spouse.

#459 How Sexual Abuse Affects You (And Why God Is Still Trustworthy)

#459 How Sexual Abuse Affects You (And Why God Is Still Trustworthy)

“What happened to me wasn’t rape.” “I didn’t stop it right away.” “I shouldn’t have been at that party in the first place.” 

If you’ve ever had thoughts like these, about yourself or someone else, your definition of sexual abuse is too narrow. Join us to learn what sexual abuse is and what consent isn’t. (And, if you’ve never been a victim of sexual assault, trust us, you know someone who has. This conversation is for you, too.)

Help! I’m in a Sexless Marriage!

Help! I’m in a Sexless Marriage!

My husband and I haven’t had sex in two years. The drought began after I had our third child. I’ve never really enjoyed sex. I was always tired, and I just didn’t think it was worth the effort anymore. Now, we don’t even talk about it.  My wife and I got married about...

#456 Overcoming Father Wounds: Trading My Pain for God’s Perfect Love

#456 Overcoming Father Wounds: Trading My Pain for God’s Perfect Love

Kia Stephens knows many women (like herself) who looked to the arms of other men for the affirmation they longed to receive from their fathers. You’ll love her humor, wisdom, and vulnerability as she shares how she traded the pain of what her earthly father couldn’t give her for the perfect love of her heavenly Father. 

#455 How God Changed My Heart (Even After I Changed My Gender) with Laura Smalts

#455 How God Changed My Heart (Even After I Changed My Gender) with Laura Smalts

For most of her childhood, Laura wanted to be a boy. In her 20s, she began hormone therapy, had surgery and lived as Jake for nine years. But she could never quite shake the feeling that none of it was real. “I remember looking at the photo on my driver’s license and saying, ‘I’m not as happy as I think I am.'” In this episode, Laura shares her remarkable story of desperation, hope and transformation.

#450 Breaking the Marriage Idol

#450 Breaking the Marriage Idol

We’re just gonna to say it. There’s an unspoken assumption in the Church that if you’re single there must something wrong with you—and that marriage can fix it. Are you guilty of having this thought? Join the conversation about how we’ve idolized marriage and how we can do better.

Webinar Series: Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Pt 3

Webinar Series: Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Pt 3

Kids & Porn: How and When You Should Talk to Your Child About Pornography Part 3 of this webinar series From questions like, "Mommy, how will that baby get out of your tummy?" to trends on TikTok and Instagram, everyday life is rich with opportunities to connect...

Webinar Series: Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Pt 2

Webinar Series: Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Pt 2

The Birds & Bees: How to Talk to Young Children About Sex Part 2 of this webinar series From questions like, "Mommy, how will that baby get out of your tummy?" to trends on TikTok and Instagram, everyday life is rich with opportunities to connect with your kids...

Webinar Series: Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Pt 1

Webinar Series: Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Pt 1

Teens: Teach Them HOW, Not WHAT, to Think About Sex Part 1 in this webinar series From questions like, "Mommy, how will that baby get out of your tummy?" to trends on TikTok and Instagram, everyday life is rich with opportunities to connect with your kids and share...

#331: Say Goodbye to Labels

#331: Say Goodbye to Labels

Life is tends to put labels on us. We even pin labels on ourselves. More often than not, these labels are hurtful,...

JWJ Listening Guide: Taking Back the Bedroom

JWJ Listening Guide: Taking Back the Bedroom

This specially curated Java Pack is a wife’s guide to sex and intimacy. Every marriage contends with highs and lows in the bedroom. For some couples it’s a fire that’s fizzling out, while others have always struggled to find a spark. In Taking Back the Bedroom, you’ll hear some of our most popular content for understanding God’s design for sexuality within marriage.

JWJ Listening Guide: Single & Sexual

JWJ Listening Guide: Single & Sexual

Did you know that single people are sexual? That your sexuality has nothing to do with whether or not you are having sex? As ridiculous as it sounds, many Christians grow up thinking that they will magically become sexual when they get married. In this Java Pack, Dr. Juli Slattery and her guests discuss how to embrace your sexuality, even as a single Christian committed to saving sex for marriage, and what your sexuality can teach you about yourself and about God. They’ll also dive into details on dating, friendships, community, and the Church.

Webinar: How Can God Be Good If…?

Webinar: How Can God Be Good If…?

Our beliefs about sexuality begin and end with our beliefs about God. Is He trustworthy? Is His Word reliable? Why wouldn't a loving God embrace me just the way I am? In this webinar, Juli and Dr. Jo Vitale, a Christian apologist, talk about how acknowledging the...

Did He Pass the Test?

Did He Pass the Test?

This morning, I met with a group of friends to encourage each other in our marriages. As we talked, one of the women described her discouragement when her husband failed to text her during the day about something that was important to her. “He knew my sister was going...

Helping Your Husband Grow UP

Helping Your Husband Grow UP

We’ve written before about the growing trend of husbands who would rather play their Xbox or Nintendo Switch—or spend hours glued to ESPN, oblivious of your screaming child and leaking roof—than step into adult responsibilities. Whatever the scenario, the burden of...

Webinar: How to Talk to Your Spouse About Sex

Webinar: How to Talk to Your Spouse About Sex

Talking about sex with your spouse is scary... especially when one (or both!) of you is disappointed, frustrated, or resentful about how things are currently. How do you have healthy conversations about sex, when every other attempt has been wrought with tension? ÊHow...

Webinar: Does Your Sex Life Have Shades of Gray?

Webinar: Does Your Sex Life Have Shades of Gray?

Why are some Christians okay with sex toys, masturbation, and cohabitation while others believe it's wrong to kiss before marriage? Whether you're single or married, honoring God with your sexuality means discerning the dangers of both license and legalism in the...

Webinar: The Art of Asking Good Questions

Webinar: The Art of Asking Good Questions

In an era of emotionally charged politics, #MeToo, and gender identity questions, we've all witnessed, and likely experienced, how engaging with others can quickly lead to heated conversations and hurt feelings. How do we talk about difficult things in a way that BOTH...

#284: Be a Truth Teller

#284: Be a Truth Teller

If you're tired of smiling on the outside while you are broken and battered on the inside, Ashley Abercrombie has a message for you...

Webinar: Addressing Tough Topics with Truth & Love

Webinar: Addressing Tough Topics with Truth & Love

In July 2019, best-selling author Josh Harris (I Kissed Dating Goodbye) announced that he and his wife are separating. The hundreds of comments to his Instagram post mirror how Christians generally respond to difficult issues and brokenness. One person wrote,...

Drowning in Shallow Christianity

Drowning in Shallow Christianity

I recently met with a friend who shared openly with me about her struggles in marriage. “It’s like living with a robot! He doesn’t seem to know how to connect emotionally. Am I supposed to live the next thirty years with this man? Does God really want me to be so...

A Perfect Marriage

A Perfect Marriage

Mike and I recently attended a wedding. The bride was stunning, and the groom gleamed with pride. Not a dry eye in the place. Weddings are beautiful—not just because of the music, flowers, dresses, and tuxes, but also because they represent young, unblemished love....

Webinar: Overcoming Barriers in the Bedroom

Webinar: Overcoming Barriers in the Bedroom

Do you hate sex? Are you too tired, never in the mood, or is sex too painful? Maybe there’s too much tension in your marriage to desire any sexual intimacy with your husband. Dr. Juli Slattery will be teaching on overcoming barriers in the bedroom and sharing things...

A Secret for the Guys

A Secret for the Guys

Every day we hear from men who desperately want help and encouragement for their wives. Most commonly, they complain that their wives are not interested in sexual intimacy. Many of these messages end with pleas like “Help me! What can I do to help her understand my...

Webinar: Tackling Shame

Webinar: Tackling Shame

One of the most common themes in the questions we receive at Authentic Intimacy is shame. What is it? Where does it come from? How do I get rid of it? Can God really forgive every sin? If so, why do I still have so much shame? In this webinar, we address these issues...

Is There Really a 7-Year Itch?

Is There Really a 7-Year Itch?

My husband and I are leading a Bible study with mostly newlywed couples. After a few weeks, we noticed how often we referred to the seven-year-something . . . itch? pit? slump? The other couples in the group started nervously teasing about what terrible blockade may...

Webinar: Tools You Need for Healthier Relationships

Webinar: Tools You Need for Healthier Relationships

You have a lot of relationships in your life: parents, family, friends, colleagues, and your spouse. These relationships have huge effects on your emotional health, day to day living, and often your interaction with God. What percentage of your relationships are...

Have You Forgotten Who God Is?

Have You Forgotten Who God Is?

In the process of teaching about biblical sexuality, I have at times taken a critical look at traditions Christians have long held as truth. For example, you may have heard a recent Java with Juli episode exploring the missteps and harmful messages of the conservative...

I Don’t Trust Myself

I Don’t Trust Myself

A few days ago, I rushed to see Toni (the lady who cuts my hair) in the middle of the work day. I got there with just a few minutes to spare after getting off a conference call. Someone else was sitting in Toni’s chair. “I’ll just wait in the lobby until you’re done,”...

Pure Sadness and a Better Way Forward

Pure Sadness and a Better Way Forward

I recently read a very sad book, Pure by Linda Kay Klein. This book keeps popping up in my newsfeed which tells me that people want to talk about it. The subtitle of the book hits precisely why this book caused my heart to ache: “Inside the evangelical movement that...

Webinar: Sexuality and Parenting

Webinar: Sexuality and Parenting

How do you teach your kids about God's design and purpose for sexuality? How do you relate to your kids when today's sexual culture is so different from the sexual culture of your own childhood? During this webinar, Dr. Juli Slattery explains what it looks like to...

Your Spouse Doesn’t Complete You

Your Spouse Doesn’t Complete You

When is the last time you felt disappointed by your marriage? Notice that I asked when, not if. Disappointment is a normal part of any relationship, but it hits us particularly hard in marriage. We live in a day and time when marriage is presented as an answer for...

Webinar: Female Friendships—the Good AND the Bad

Webinar: Female Friendships—the Good AND the Bad

We can all agree that having female friends is a great gift in life, but why can they cause so much difficulty? Dr. Juli Slattery hosts this webinar with one of her favorite friends, Erin Smalley! These two share the value in friendship, be honest about why it can be...

Loving a Broken Man (Or Woman)

Loving a Broken Man (Or Woman)

Gary Thomas has been a guest on Java with Juli multiple times and also joined us for our webinar "Having a Mission-Focused Marriage." He is a bestselling author and international speaker whose ministry brings people closer to Christ and closer to others. He unites the...

#48: My Controlling Spouse

#48: My Controlling Spouse

If you are fearful or hesitant to share your true thoughts with your spouse, you may be in an unhealthy pattern with a controlling spouse. What are the red flags, and how can you change things? Very few couples know how to address this issue, but it can be a fatal...

Webinar: Rethinking Sexuality: God’s Design and Why It Matters

Webinar: Rethinking Sexuality: God’s Design and Why It Matters

We believe every Christian needs to be equipped with a Biblical understanding of sexuality. Not just, "Don't do it until your married,"but a full, practical, and Biblical narrative that we know, live out, and teach others. Dr. Juli Slattery invites you to join her for...

#224: Sexuality & Surrender

#224: Sexuality & Surrender

Laurie daily submits her same-sex sexuality to the Lordship of Christ while married to her best friend, Matt. ...

The “Why” for Every Question About Sexuality

The “Why” for Every Question About Sexuality

When children reach the age of two, they begin asking a question they never stop asking. Why? If you are parenting a young child, you are faced with endless why questions. Why do I have to go to bed so early? Why do I have to eat brussel sprouts? Why do you have to go...

#206: BONUS! Rebel Parenting

#206: BONUS! Rebel Parenting

Ryan Dobson admits he was a rebellious kid. These days, as a husband and father, he’s a different kind of rebel....

#210:  Enjoying Intimacy in Your Golden Years

#210: Enjoying Intimacy in Your Golden Years

It’s no secret that aging changes us. Our bodies don’t work the way they used to.  Sex doesn’t work the way it used to.  What once happened easily is now difficult and awkward.  Is it time to close the chapter on sex? Not so fast! Join Juli and her guests as they...

Does Your Husband Need Sex?

Does Your Husband Need Sex?

Until recently, it has been part of the Christian marriage narrative that men need sex. Christian marriage books over the decades have repeatedly claimed that sex is a primary need for guys in marriage. In many marriages (but not all), husbands would eagerly nod their...

#207: Making Motherhood Meaningful

#207: Making Motherhood Meaningful

Hey moms, do you feel like you’re missing out on life while staying at home with kids? Are you exhausted, unsure of yourself, or...

Learning to Say “I Was Wrong”

Learning to Say “I Was Wrong”

If you are old enough to recall the sitcom Happy Days, you’ll remember “The Fonz.” Henry Winkler played the character of Arthur Fonzarelli, the coolest guy in town. The Fonz in his leather jacket and perfect hair could get all the ladies with the snap of his fingers....

When Your Kids Look At Porn

When Your Kids Look At Porn

As the mom of three sons, there are days I wish I could be parenting in a different era… one in which cell phones did not exist and comic books were more common than pornography. Yet we do not choose the time and place which God inserts us into history. Pornography...

Webinar: Spicing Up Your Sex Life

Webinar: Spicing Up Your Sex Life

Do you know that God's desire is for you and your husband to experience great pleasure in your sex life? Many couples settle for "vanilla" sex for years (aka the missionary position), placing self-imposed restrictions on themselves that have nothing to do with God's...

Another Reminder That Something is Wrong

Another Reminder That Something is Wrong

Several months ago, I got really sick. I was in bed for days with a high fever and chills, a deep cough, and no appetite. I gave the illness several days to run its course, treating my symptoms with Tylenol and cough medicine. When I didn’t get better, my husband took...

What If I Hate Sex?

What If I Hate Sex?

"I hate sex. It makes me angry to hear you even suggest that I’m supposed to be enjoying it. I’ve been married twenty-three years...

What If I Want Sex More Than My Husband Does?

What If I Want Sex More Than My Husband Does?

I get asked this a lot. A woman often sheepishly approaches me at an event and says, “I’m one of those women you talked about who has a higher sex drive than my husband. What should I do?” Because women in this situation defy the stereotype, they sometimes feel shame...

Why the Word “Purity” is Cringy

Why the Word “Purity” is Cringy

My teenage sons have recently introduced me to a new word… “cringy.” It’s how they describe my attempts to dance and many of my lame puns. But it’s also the word many would associate with the term “sexual purity.” As a ministry, we’ve shied away from teaching about...

Webinar: How to Love Your Prodigal Child

Webinar: How to Love Your Prodigal Child

Join Hannah Nitz as she sits down with Lori Wildenberg & Dr. Juli Slattery to talk about how to love your prodigal child. Lori is a mother who recognized her daughter's gender confusion early on. Despite many prayers and conversations, her daughter now leads a...

Webinar: Fighting Porn in Your Marriage

Webinar: Fighting Porn in Your Marriage

A recent survey revealed that approximately 85% of men interact with pornographic material on a monthly basis. With that statistic, we know that means porn has made it's way into many of our marriages. Pornography is killing our intimacy, and its widespread use and...