Why do we experience shame? Are there ever times when it can be a helpful feeling? Juli shares what to do when we experience shame, and how God’s word brings us hope for the future.
Freedom from Sexual Sin
#542 A Pastor, His Porn Problem, and How His Church Restored Him
Pastor Garrett Kell joins Juli on the podcast to talk about his years-long struggle with porn, coming clean, and how his church responded.
#539 The Impact Of Shame And How To Overcome It
Curt Thompson, MD, author of “The Soul of Shame”, joins Juli to explain what shame is, why we experience it, and what to do with it.
#505 What Does it Look Like to Struggle with Sexual Sin and Still Love Jesus?
Lina Abujamra discusses external and internal challenges and the truths we all wrestle with as we pursue God’s design for sexuality.
Transcript: #551 How Keeping Secrets Keeps Us in Shame
A transcript of Java with Juli #551, a conversation between Dr. Juli Slattery and Jason VanRuler, a licensed therapist, author, and speaker.
#551 How Keeping Secrets Keeps Us in Shame
Jason VanRuler, author of “Get Past Your Past”, joins Juli to share some insights about secrecy and why it’s worth us living in the light.
Transcript: #549 What the Latest Research Shows About Porn
A transcript of Java with Juli #549, a conversation between Dr. Juli Slattery and Nick Stumbo of Pure Desire Ministries.
#533 Why It Feels Impossible To Beat Your Sin
Are we supposed to battle our sin or surrender it to the one who has already defeated it?
#525 Churches and Porn: What isn’t Working and How to Change it
Sam Black explains how the Church can become a safe and healing place for those struggling with pornography.
#524 Her Freedom Journey: A Powerful New Book Helping Women Overcome Porn And Sexual Shame
Introducing “Her Freedom Journey”, Juli and Joy’s brand new book!
#490 How Do You Go From Being Stuck in Bondage to True Freedom?
What does it really take to go from death to life? How are we truly transformed? Jonathan Daugherty joins Juli to discuss his new book.
#400: If God Is Good, Why Doesn’t He Take Away My Sexual Addiction?
At the root of every struggle with ongoing, unwanted sexual sin is a lie about God—and it keeps you from the very things that bring...
#283: I Was the Abuser
Are you, or someone you love, a recovering sex offender? If so, this conversation is for you. In this...
#549 What the Latest Research Shows About Porn
Nick Stumbo unpacks the surprising results of a recent study conducted by Barna on pornography use, and shares potential solutions.
Overcoming Addiction: The Crucial Element You Might Be Missing
What does it mean to be “in Christ,” and how does this lead to healing and freedom?
Q&A: Is It My Responsibility to Meet My Spouse’s Sexual Needs?
Is it your responsibility to meet your spouse’s sexual needs?
Q&A: Is There Any Hope for Me in My Struggle with Porn?
Is there hope for you in your struggle with porn?
#434: Is Sexual Sin More Than Just Your Behavior?
If you are a Christian, you are a new creation—the old has gone and all things have become new. As new creations in Christ, what...
#407: Masturbation: The No. 1 Question You’re Asking Us!
There's more to the masturbation conversation than simply "right" or "wrong." Could masturbation be an issue of spiritual maturity...
#405: How To Be Broken and Used by God (At the Same Time)
Cory Morgan joins Juli to share how his brokenness became an opportunity to bring others alongside him on the journey toward sexual integrity.
#328: Answers to Your Questions About Pornography
"Will I cause a set-back in my husband’s recovery if I say no to sex?" "My daughter talks to me about her porn addiction, but...
#314: You, Your Brain, and Your Family Can Heal from Porn
How I get rid of the images that keep popping up in my mind? How can I rebuild trust with my husband when access to...
COVID-19 y pornografía: Una salida rápida, pero no una solución
Desde el inicio de COVID-19, la industria de la pornografía ha experimentado un aumento masivo en el tráfico de sitios web. El 24 de marzo, un sitio importante anunció que su contenido premium sería gratuito para todos los visitantes, lo que resultó en un aumento...
Webinar: Pornography: Help for Spouses & Parents
The desires that lead to sexual addiction are not wrong. Men and women who find themselves caught up in porn, reading books like Fifty Shades of Grey, or in a sexual chat room got there because their healthy God-given desires have been twisted. We are supposed to...
#300: Christians Struggle with Sexual Addiction Too
Did you know that 68% of Christian men struggle with unwanted sexual behavior? That 25% of Christian women use sex to hide a deeper...
Breaking Free from Sexual Addiction
Sometimes I joke about things I am "addicted" to. Coffee and dark chocolate are definitely on the list. Honestly, we are all addicted to something—there are things in life we just can't seem to get by without. You may be addicted to your husband's affection, a daily...
#275: Finding Freedom from Unwanted Desires
Overwhelmingly, the response to unwanted sexual desires has been to manage them. Bounce your eyes. Get accountability....
#258: Your Questions About Pornography
Can I ever trust him again? How do we rebuild sexual intimacy together? Should you even date a guy who struggles with porn? Dr....
#503 Lies, Pornography and Sex Addiction Almost Ended Their Marriage, Now They Help Others Find Hope
How do porn and sex addiction really affect a family?
Q&A: What Should I Do If I Discover My Spouse Looking at Porn?
What do you do when you discover your spouse watches porn?
#469 Porn, Rape Culture, and Why The Battle Against Sexual Assault Starts at Home
Did you know that on average, each year, around 463,634 Americans are victims of sexual assault? That’s a heartbreaking statistic, and it reveals a very real source of pain and trauma in contemporary American culture. What causes people to commit sexual assault? Is there a way to stop it? Dr. John Foubert joins Juli to discuss some of the reasons these numbers are so high, and what can and needs to be done to prevent sexual assault from happening.
#452 Porn Addiction in Marriage: How to Let God Redeem Your Story
When it comes to porn, the gender gap is closing. Meet two women who know that overcoming a pornography addiction or sexual shame is not about changing your behavior but about allowing Jesus to transform your identity. One is the Samaritan women who met Jesus at the well and the other is Jessica Harris, Juli’s guest on “Java with Juli.”
#451 Porn Addiction and Women: Break the Silence, Bring the Hope
When it comes to porn, the gender gap is closing. Meet two women who know that overcoming a pornography addiction or sexual shame is not about changing your behavior but about allowing Jesus to transform your identity. One is the Samaritan women who met Jesus at the well and the other is Jessica Harris, Juli’s guest on “Java with Juli.”
A Road Map to Sexual Integrity in the Midst of Sexual Brokenness
Do you want to know the question that keeps me up at night? It’s this: How can I honor God with my sexuality in the face of my sexual brokenness and unmet desires? At Authentic Intimacy, we often use words like sexual wholeness or sexual integrity instead of sexual...
#369: Changing the Way We Talk About Porn (Because Women Struggle Too)
“I had one woman say, ‘I struggle with masturbation.’ And she just started crying. And then she said, ‘I’ve never said that word...
#334: What Your Pastor Needs to Know About Porn
In this episode, Juli sits down with Mark & Rosie Makinney to debunk misconceptions about pornography and marriage --many of...
Porn Affects You, Even if You Don’t Look At It
The sad truth is that the damage of porn goes far beyond the person consuming it and also affects their relationships, the people in their lives, and culture as a whole.
COVID-19 and Porn: A Quick Fix But No Solution
(Presione aquí para leer en español). Since COVID-19 the pornography industry has seen a massive increase in website traffic. On March 24th, one major site announced that their premium content would be free to all visitors resulting in a massive increase of 18.5%. The...
Stop Trying So Hard!
Several years ago, I met with a spiritual mentor with whom I shared an ongoing battle with a particular sin. We had been meeting every month for over a year, yet I was still tempted by the same sin. I didn’t feel like I was making any spiritual progress! I asked her,...
Webinar: Fighting Masturbation and Fantasy
Every day we receive questions from men and women around masturbation and fantasy. Is masturbation a sin? How do I know when I've "crossed the line" into sinful sexual fantasy? How do we differentiate between healthy sexual desire and sinful lust? What if I'm single?...
#187: Grace for the Bad (and Not-So-Bad) Girl
“You can’t out sin the grace of God.” That’s a bold statement from our guest Liz Curtis Higgs, author of the...
Masturbation: Is It Wrong?
Because my job is to talk to women about sex, there are few questions I haven't heard and haven't answered. However, there is one common question that I don't like to answer. Is it ok to masturbate? (Presione aquí para leer en español.) This question is a bit...
#176: When Men Are Addicted to Porn, Part 2
Ashamed. Broken. Afraid. These are just a few of the words that describe a man addicted to pornography; ashamed of his...
#175: When Men Are Addicted to Porn, Part 1
Ashamed. Broken. Afraid. These are just a few of the words that describe a man addicted to pornography; ashamed of his...
#59: Pulling Back the Shades
Women all over the world are excited about the release of the movie Fifty Shades Darker – but do they realize how this type of...
#150: Is the Spark in Your Love Life a Counterfeit?
Why do we care if Fifty Shades of Grey has sold over 125 million copies? Because it means that women are looking to...
#32: Being a True Man: An Honest Discussion About A Man’s Struggle
This is an important conversation for both men and women about sexuality, with vulnerable confessions of pornography use and sinful...
#124: Why You Need to Address Pornography In Your Marriage and Home
Every wife and mother have a common enemy: pornography. It destroys sexual intimacy with our husbands. It robs our children of their...
Q&A: Why do I keep sinning?
Why do we sin even when we’re trying to stop?
Q&A: Is Porn Sinful?
Is porn sinful?
Q&A: Are Sexual Sin and Sexual Brokenness the Same Thing?
Are Sexual Sin and Sexual Brokenness the Same Thing?
#211: Understanding Pornography Addiction
Jonathan Daughtery of Be Broken Ministries shares his story and why he believes people keep returning to “lustland.”
#482 Trying to Overcome a Sexual Addiction? Here’s Why You Can’t Do It Alone
Nate Larkin joins Juli to share his journey breaking free from an addiction to pornography that almost destroyed his marriage.
Q&A: How Can I Love Someone Who Is Struggling with Sexual Sin and Brokenness?
How do you love someone struggling with sexual sin and brokenness?
Q&A: Is Masturbation a Sin?
Is masturbation a sin?
#479 More Than Just Behavior: Why Your Struggles With Sexual Sin Run Deeper Than You Think
What if facing your sexual struggles could lead to deeper healing? Juli and Jay Stringer, LMHC, talk about his research on desire.
#241: Women Struggle With Porn Too
Do you think women don't get addicted to porn? Think again. In this episode Juli's guest shares candidly about how she became...
#60: An Interview with Francine Rivers About Erotica
Join Juli as she has a candid discussion with one of this generation’s most popular Christian romance novelists, Francine Rivers....
Q&A: Is masturbation bad?
Is masturbation bad?
How To Fight For Integrity In A Hyper-Sexualized World
Juli suggests some steps Christians can take as they pursue Godly living and surrendered sexuality in our hypersexualized world.
Q&A: Does my Spouse Watch Porn Because of me?
Is your spouse’s porn problem your fault?
5 Healthy Ways to Respond to Your Husband’s Porn Problem
Juli challenges wives to reject blame and consider biblical teaching on responding to the painful sins of those we love.
Un Mapa Hacia la Integridad Sexual en Medio del Quebrantamiento Sexual
¿Quieres saber cuál es la pregunta que no me deja dormir? Es la siguiente: ¿Cómo puedo honrar a Dios con mi sexualidad en medio de mi quebrantamiento sexual y mis deseos insatisfechos? En Authentic Intimacy, a menudo usamos el término integridad sexual en lugar...
Masturbarse: ¿Está mal?
Ya que mi trabajo consiste en hablar con mujeres acerca del sexo, hay pocas preguntas que no haya escuchado y que no haya respondido. Sin embargo, hay una pregunta muy común que no me gusta responder. ¿Está bien masturbarse? Esta pregunta es un...
3 cosas que aprendí (y desearía no haberlo hecho) de la pornografía
Cuando estaba en quinto grado, mi amiga abrió mi laptop y me introdujo al mundo de la pornografía. En ese tiempo, yo no sabía que era la pornografía, pero lo que sí supe fue que era...
¿Qué deberías hacer si tu esposo ve pornografía?
“Anoche encontré a mi esposo viendo pornografía. Esta no es la primera vez que sucede. Me siento tan violada, como si nunca pudiera volver a compartir mi cuerpo con él. De todos modos, ¿por qué debería? ¡Nunca podré competir con la pornografía!” Si tu esposo ha estado...
“¿La masturbación es pecado?” Puede que estés haciendo la pregunta equivocada
Siempre que hablo con un grupo de personas sobre sexualidad, trato de dejar tiempo para una sesión de preguntas y respuestas anónimas. No importa quién esté escuchando, joven o viejo, hombre o mujer, casado o soltero, estoy segura de que me preguntarán sobre la...
#166: We Are All Sexually Broken
Do you think that only individuals who watch pornography, use sex to feel loved, or cheat on their spouses are sexually...
#20: Exposing Fifty Shades of Grey
Many women enjoy reading steamy romance novels to escape, but at what cost to true intimacy in their marriage? Women have legitimate...
3 Things Sex and Junk Food Have in Common
I recently read a book about sexual patterns among young adults called Premarital Sex in America by Mark Regnerus and Jeremy Uecker. Let’s just say that the news is not good. Americans are having sex younger and sooner in relationships, with more people and are...
What Do You Do When the Person You’re Dating Struggles With Porn?
Dear Juli, I'm currently in a season of singleness, but I've had two serious relationships with godly guys before this. Both (not right away) admitted to struggling/having struggled with pornography. At first, I was shocked and a little disgusted. Talking to them,...
A Christian Mom, Her Sexual Addiction, and Forgiveness
Sexual addiction doesn’t always have the face you think it will. I was speaking at a large women’s leaders conference in Texas. In the middle of worship, I suddenly found a woman weeping uncontrollably in my arms. I escorted her out of the room, holding her as she...
Confessions of a Former Erotica Author
I had the opportunity to have coffee with Francine Rivers, bestselling author of Redeeming Love. Francine used to write erotic historical fiction. She offers insight into how erotica is a harmful escape, both to the author and reader. You can listen to our...
5 Things Christians Can Do to Help Overcome Porn Addiction
Dr. Joy Skarka, Authentic Intimacy Program Manager, explains what Christians struggling with porn can do to overcome it.
Q&A: Why is Gender Important?
Why is gender important?
Q&A: How do I Get Past the Shame of Sexual Sin?
How do you overcome the shame of sexual sin?
3 Reasons To Invite Women Into Conversations About Sexual Brokenness
I opened my door and there she stood. She was nervous. I invited her inside my home, offered her a cup of coffee, and we sat down on my couch. I could see the hesitancy on her face as she fidgeted with her phone. I asked her to tell me a bit about her story. My new...
Three Things I (Wish I Hadn’t) Learned From Pornography
When I was a fifth grader, my friend opened my laptop and introduced me to pornography. At the time, I didn’t know what pornography was, but I did know that it was something new and exciting. Years would go by before I rediscovered porn. In college, after experiencing...
Experience Freedom From Shame
I’ll never forget how I felt the first time I looked into the mirror after being date raped in college. I stood there naked, alone, and ashamed. I began to question God and His love for me. Soon after this moment, I cried out to God in a journal entry. I wrote, God do...
Three Things To Remember About Sexual Sin & Grace
In the midst of my guilt and shame, frustration filled my mind. “I can’t believe I sinned… again. Does God hate me for my addiction? Will I ever find freedom?” Countless men and women I’ve talked to have asked similar questions. What are you supposed to do when you...
“Is Masturbation a Sin?” You May Be Asking the Wrong Question
(Presione aquí para leer en español.) Whenever I speak to a group of people about sexuality, I try to include time for an anonymous Q&A session. No matter who is listening, young or old, male or female, married or single, I am sure to be asked...