Jason VanRuler, author of “Get Past Your Past”, joins Juli to share some insights about secrecy and why it’s worth us living in the light.
Intimacy with God
#548 How To Repair Your Relationships
John Van Epp, creator of the RAM theoretical model, shares what it takes to make your relationships stronger than ever.
#374: Jackie Hill Perry on the Trustworthiness of God
Your marriage, your sexuality, wounds from your past, or things you can't see yet ... what do you struggle to trust God with? In...
Webinar: The Season for a Savior
Perhaps the best way to remember Jesus this Christmas is to imagine where you would be without Him. In this month’s webinar, we’ll talk practically about managing the tensions of Christmas; from strife in your marriage to losing a loved one to facing...
#15: Growing In Spiritual Intimacy
How do you feel about God? Is He your close friend, your beloved? Or is He someone you fight with and yell at? Intimacy...
#501 Going Beyond a Superficial Faith – with guest Jackie Hill Perry
Time with God should be a delight, not a duty, but for many believers, it can often feel like more of a chore. What’s missing?
How To Heal And Grow: Four Surprising Pathways To Christ-Likeness
What would it look like to pursue freedom, healing and spiritual growth while embracing the way God designed you?
Contentamiento: cómo vivir con gozo a través de los altibajos de la vida
Si todo en tu vida siguiera siendo exactamente como es en este momento, ¿crees que aún podrías ser verdadera y profundamente feliz? Como mujer soltera, esto era algo que estaba acostumbrada a preguntarme. Después de todo, el matrimonio no era una certeza. Sin...
#472 Embracing Grief: Why We Need to Connect Sadness, Gratitude, and Celebration
It can often be tempting to push through the uncomfortable feelings that come with loss and try to just keep calm and carry on. But is that what we’re called to as followers of Christ? If Christ Himself took time to grieve, shouldn’t we?
Dr Greg and Erin Smalley join Juli on this episode of Java with Juli as they discuss the need to face and make sense of our pain so we can embrace real joy.
Webinar: Tools You Need for Healthier Relationships
You have a lot of relationships in your life: parents, family, friends, colleagues, and your spouse. These relationships have huge effects on your emotional health, day to day living, and often your interaction with God. What percentage of your relationships are...
#115: Celebrating My Jewish Heritage: An Interview with Dr. Michael Rydelnik
One of Dr. Michael Rydelnik’s favorite activities is “drinking coffee, talking, and laughing with...
#110: How to Find Your Identity in Jesus
On this episode of Java with Juli, Dr. Juli Slattery is joined by Yvette Maher and author Heather Holleman. They candidly discuss...
Are You Leaning In or Leaning Up?
A few years ago, Sheryl Sandberg (the CEO of Facebook and now Google), wrote a best-selling book, Lean In. She shared her observations about women, careers and what keeps women from advancement in the workplace. While I think Lean In has some practical advice for...
If I’m Free, Why Can’t I Do What I Want? And Other Ways We Misunderstand Freedom
There are significant differences between the way the Bible and the world talk about freedom, so what does it really mean to live freely?
5 Secrets to Intimacy with God
Intimacy with God . . . what a strange concept! How can I be intimate with someone I can’t see, hear, or touch? God and I can’t go out for coffee or even give each other a hug. Yet we know that God created us for intimate fellowship with him. What is that supposed to...
Does God Want Me to Love Myself?
This is potentially the most controversial blog I have ever written. As I’ve often stated, the Bible isn’t primarily offensive because of what it says about our sexuality. It is offensive because of what it says about our humanity. You may disagree with what you are...
What God Wants For Christmas
True confession: the Christmas season overwhelms me. It’s not the busyness, the music, or the parties, but the gift-giving that stresses me out. Gifts are not my love language, so I never know how to answer my husband when he asks what I’d like for Christmas. What...
Church Is Good For You; It’s Time To Go Back
I meet more and more Christians who have simply given up on church. Maybe you are one of them. You’ve been disappointed by a leader, disillusioned by division, or just can’t find a place you belong. Through COVID-19 quarantines, perhaps you settled into a new routine...
Finding Jesus on Christmas
True confessions... I don't love Christmas. I didn't say I hate Christmas; I just don't love it. My ambivalence around this holiday has developed over time. Too many years of disappointment when a family member's illness cancelled our celebration and all the best...