Dr. Greg Smalley, joins Juli to talk about some of the options couples can explore.
How To Tell if Your Spouse Is Truly Repentant
After a betrayal, how can you know if your spouse is truly repentant? Juli unpacks a recent conversation with Jeremy Smith, LPC, as he shares what to look for.
#528 The 3 Superpowers Your Sex Life is Missing
Christian Sex Therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma joins Juli to talk about three ways couples can boost their sexual and emotional intimacy.
Transcript: #553 Divorce and Separation: How to Know What to Do
A transcript of Java with Juli #553, a conversation between Dr. Juli Slattery and Dr. Greg Smalley on divorce and separation.
#535 What Men Weren’t Taught About Sex
Sam Jolman, author of “The Sex Talk You Never Got”, joins Juli to talk about what men didn’t learn about sex growing up.
#228: Intimacy After Infidelity
Can a couple’s sexual relationship survive and thrive after infidelity?
#523 How Past Family Patterns Impact the Way You Love Today
“How We Love” authors, Kay and Milan Yerkovich, join Juli to explain how understanding attachment styles can improve relationships.
How To Rebuild Intimacy After Infidelity
Should a couple who experienced infidelity give up on sex? Or is there a way to approach sex that feels safe and honest for both parties?
Five Things Every Leader Needs To Know About Porn
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Rosie Makinney leads Fight For Love Ministries, a team of...
How Do I Help Couples Move Beyond the Purity Narrative to Sexual Intimacy?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Much of the traditional...
Why I Went to a Marriage Intensive
In November, I took my first sabbatical since starting Authentic Intimacy in 2012. What a gift! The sabbatical was for rest and refreshment but also for personal reflection. For the past year, Mike and I have tossed around the idea of going through a marriage...
#160: Why God Created You to Be Sexual
Most of us don’t ever wonder about the purpose of sex. It’s something we desire, something we do, and for some of us, something we...
Overcoming Sexual Shame and Fear in Marriage
There are many Christians who feel uncomfortable with their sexuality. Juli explores possible reasons why and advises on how to overcome it.
#485 Your Marriage Won’t Survive Without Grace: Why Marriages Built on Performance Fall Apart
Is a lack of grace stopping you and your spouse from connecting? Brad and Marilyn Rhoads join Juli to discuss their book, “Grace Marriage.”
Sexual Discipleship® and Marriage
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Helping couples navigate barriers to sexual...
#219: Rethinking Sexuality in Your Marriage
Does God care about what goes on inside your bedroom? We think so. God has something to teach you about Himself, and He uses sex...