Sex in Marriage

How Do I Rebuild Trust After Betrayal?

How Do I Rebuild Trust After Betrayal?

There is no pain like discovering that your husband has been unfaithful. It’s as if your whole world has been shattered. You doubt your instincts because you have been fooled. You make vows to never trust again because old vows have been broken. Based on God’s Word,...

#179: When Sex Is Not Good

#179: When Sex Is Not Good

"I know that orgasm should not be the main goal of sex, but I am disappointed that I have never experienced it." "I can’t say that...

#56: When Men Don’t Want Sex

#56: When Men Don’t Want Sex

“Not tonight, honey. I’m just not in the mood.” The stereotype of a woman who is trying to avoid intimacy with her husband by using...

Help! My Husband Is The One With The Headache

Help! My Husband Is The One With The Headache

Watch a movie or flip through some TV sitcoms and you will hear men always want sex. Men are portrayed as constantly turned on and trying to get their wives into bed while the women are typically shown rolling their eyes. Ask a group “What do men think about most...

How to say “Yes, Yes, Yes!” after “No, No, No!”

How to say “Yes, Yes, Yes!” after “No, No, No!”

As we round the corner into late spring, it’s wedding season. Although every new marriage has its unique struggles, some questions newlyweds ask are somewhat predictable. One of them is represented by the title of this blog. This question is not just asked by the...

#465 Love Dares: Using Playfulness to Build Sexual Intimacy

#465 Love Dares: Using Playfulness to Build Sexual Intimacy

If you’re a husband or wife who finds sex dull or monotonous, it may be time for you to revisit the way God designed marital sex. The truth is that God desires for you to enjoy building sexual intimacy with your spouse, not just endure it. In this podcast episode, Juli and guest Dr. Jennifer Degler talk about how God gives the gift of sexual play to couples, and the practical (and fun!) ways you can connect with your spouse.

Help! I’m in a Sexless Marriage!

Help! I’m in a Sexless Marriage!

My husband and I haven’t had sex in two years. The drought began after I had our third child. I’ve never really enjoyed sex. I was always tired, and I just didn’t think it was worth the effort anymore. Now, we don’t even talk about it.  My wife and I got married about...

JWJ Listening Guide: Taking Back the Bedroom

JWJ Listening Guide: Taking Back the Bedroom

This specially curated Java Pack is a wife’s guide to sex and intimacy. Every marriage contends with highs and lows in the bedroom. For some couples it’s a fire that’s fizzling out, while others have always struggled to find a spark. In Taking Back the Bedroom, you’ll hear some of our most popular content for understanding God’s design for sexuality within marriage.

Webinar: How to Talk to Your Spouse About Sex

Webinar: How to Talk to Your Spouse About Sex

Talking about sex with your spouse is scary... especially when one (or both!) of you is disappointed, frustrated, or resentful about how things are currently. How do you have healthy conversations about sex, when every other attempt has been wrought with tension? ÊHow...

Webinar: Does Your Sex Life Have Shades of Gray?

Webinar: Does Your Sex Life Have Shades of Gray?

Why are some Christians okay with sex toys, masturbation, and cohabitation while others believe it's wrong to kiss before marriage? Whether you're single or married, honoring God with your sexuality means discerning the dangers of both license and legalism in the...

Webinar: Overcoming Barriers in the Bedroom

Webinar: Overcoming Barriers in the Bedroom

Do you hate sex? Are you too tired, never in the mood, or is sex too painful? Maybe there’s too much tension in your marriage to desire any sexual intimacy with your husband. Dr. Juli Slattery will be teaching on overcoming barriers in the bedroom and sharing things...

A Secret for the Guys

A Secret for the Guys

Every day we hear from men who desperately want help and encouragement for their wives. Most commonly, they complain that their wives are not interested in sexual intimacy. Many of these messages end with pleas like “Help me! What can I do to help her understand my...

#210:  Enjoying Intimacy in Your Golden Years

#210: Enjoying Intimacy in Your Golden Years

It’s no secret that aging changes us. Our bodies don’t work the way they used to.  Sex doesn’t work the way it used to.  What once happened easily is now difficult and awkward.  Is it time to close the chapter on sex? Not so fast! Join Juli and her guests as they...

Does Your Husband Need Sex?

Does Your Husband Need Sex?

Until recently, it has been part of the Christian marriage narrative that men need sex. Christian marriage books over the decades have repeatedly claimed that sex is a primary need for guys in marriage. In many marriages (but not all), husbands would eagerly nod their...

Webinar: Spicing Up Your Sex Life

Webinar: Spicing Up Your Sex Life

Do you know that God's desire is for you and your husband to experience great pleasure in your sex life? Many couples settle for "vanilla" sex for years (aka the missionary position), placing self-imposed restrictions on themselves that have nothing to do with God's...

What If I Hate Sex?

What If I Hate Sex?

"I hate sex. It makes me angry to hear you even suggest that I’m supposed to be enjoying it. I’ve been married twenty-three years...

What If I Want Sex More Than My Husband Does?

What If I Want Sex More Than My Husband Does?

I get asked this a lot. A woman often sheepishly approaches me at an event and says, “I’m one of those women you talked about who has a higher sex drive than my husband. What should I do?” Because women in this situation defy the stereotype, they sometimes feel shame...

Webinar: Fighting Porn in Your Marriage

Webinar: Fighting Porn in Your Marriage

A recent survey revealed that approximately 85% of men interact with pornographic material on a monthly basis. With that statistic, we know that means porn has made it's way into many of our marriages. Pornography is killing our intimacy, and its widespread use and...

#88: When Sex Is Too Painful

#88: When Sex Is Too Painful

When sex is painful, many husbands and wives live with frustration and shame because they don't know where to get help. On this Java...

#5: God Has an Opinion About Sex

#5: God Has an Opinion About Sex

Did you know that God has an opinion about sex? More than that, did you know His word is full of truth about one of the most...

Is Sexual Intimacy A “Sacrament”?

Is Sexual Intimacy A “Sacrament”?

A lot of married couples consider their sexual relationship as an optional addition to the true substance of marriage, doing life together. In the hectic pace of managing careers, raising children, and helping others, getting naked together can seem like a nice perk...

¿Qué pasa si no me gusta el sexo?

¿Qué pasa si no me gusta el sexo?

Extraído de 25 Preguntas Que Tienes Miedo de Hacer Sobre el Amore, el Sexo, y la Intimidad de Dr. Juli Slattery. © 2015 en Unilit Publishers. Usado con permiso. Detesto el sexo. Me enoja escuchar que incluso sugieres que se supone que se disfrute. He estado casada por...

¿Cómo reconstruyo la confianza después de una traición?

¿Cómo reconstruyo la confianza después de una traición?

Extraído de 25 Preguntas Que Tienes Miedo de Hacer Sobre el Amore, el Sexo, y la Intimidad de Dr. Juli Slattery. © 2015 en Unilit Publishers. Usado con permiso. No existe un dolor mayor como el de descubrir que tu esposo te ha sido infiel. Es como si todo tu mundo se...

Sex is the Icing on the Cake

Sex is the Icing on the Cake

Growing up, I was never much of a cook. With three sisters and a mother who all cook and bake masterfully, I had no reason to learn how. As a wife and mother, I reluctantly accepted my role as the family chef. A few years ago, I attempted to bake a homemade cake for a...

#106: Aging Men and Sex

#106: Aging Men and Sex

Sexuality is an important part of who we are, but it is not all of life. If your husband is getting older, things are...

#71: Body Image & The Bedroom

#71: Body Image & The Bedroom

God wants us to use our body to glorify Him. The body you have today -- not the body you’d like to have, or the body you once had....

What Should You Do If Your Husband Looks at Porn?

What Should You Do If Your Husband Looks at Porn?

(Presione aquí para leer en español). “Last night I walked in on my husband viewing porn. This isn’t the first time this has happened. I feel so violated—like I could never share my body with him again. Why should I, anyway? I could never compete with porn!” If your...

Don’t Be Spontaneous In Marriage

Don’t Be Spontaneous In Marriage

Want to watch a group of women swoon? Tell a story about a husband who was completely spontaneous. There is something about the mystery and surprise of impromptu romance that fills women with passion! Anything from randomly picking up flowers to a last minute road...

Help! How Much Sex is “Normal” for Married Couples?

Help! How Much Sex is “Normal” for Married Couples?

It isn’t uncommon for us to receive questions from married couples asking about a normal frequency for sex. Should they have sex once a week, twice a week, or every day?! We understand that it can be challenging for two people with different levels of desire for sex...

3 Ways To Make Sexual Intimacy a Priority in Your Marriage

3 Ways To Make Sexual Intimacy a Priority in Your Marriage

It’s often said, “Show me your calendar, and I’ll tell you what is important to you.” There are a lot of things we say are important to us but end up taking a back seat to busyness and the distractions that clamor for our attention. Intimacy in marriage is usually one...

Sexual Attraction Isn’t as Important as You Think, Here’s Why

Sexual Attraction Isn’t as Important as You Think, Here’s Why

Within the past few months, several different people have posed questions to me about the importance of sexual attraction. - A young woman asked, “I am in a dating relationship with a great guy. We connect on a lot of levels, but I’m not sexually attracted to him....

What Kind of Lover Are You?

What Kind of Lover Are You?

As women, we typically view sex as a way of expressing the love and intimacy we feel in our hearts. It’s definitely a challenge to be sexually intimate when those feelings of love are absent. For the first decade of our marriage, it irritated me when my husband wanted...

Five Things You Need to Know About Women, Orgasm & Intimacy

Five Things You Need to Know About Women, Orgasm & Intimacy

After speaking at a marriage event, I spent time with couples who wanted to ask a question or share a comment. A young couple sat patiently and silently until everyone else had left the auditorium. As I sat down to talk with them, they could barely get the words out. The young man began, “This is really embarrassing, but we don’t know where else to go for help. Umm, we’ve been married for, umm, six years and umm….” His wife quietly finished his sentence, “I don’t know how to achieve an orgasm.”

Are You Entitled to (Good) Sex In Marriage?

Are You Entitled to (Good) Sex In Marriage?

A man approached me after hearing me speak on the topic of sexual intimacy and thanked me for talking openly about such a vulnerable subject. Then he began sharing his story with me. He had just divorced his wife of 29 years because of a lack of fulfilling sex in...

¿Qué pasa si quiero más sexo que mi esposo?

¿Qué pasa si quiero más sexo que mi esposo?

Esto me lo preguntan mucho. A menudo, una mujer se me acerca con timidez en un evento y dice: «Soy una de esas mujeres de las que habló que tiene más deseo sexual que su esposo. ¿Qué debo hacer?». Puesto que las mujeres en esta situación desafían el estereotipo, a...

Webinar: Making Fireworks in the Bedroom

Webinar: Making Fireworks in the Bedroom

Join Dr. Juli Slattery and Hannah Nitz as they have a practical conversation about growing sexual intimacy in your marriage. They'll dive into ways you and your spouse can celebrate the covenant of marriage in the bedroom and grow closer together as husband and...

#108: With This Ring

#108: With This Ring

February is the month when romance seems to be in the air but are you taking every aspect of love and marriage...

Being Sexy Has Nothing To Do With Your Body

Being Sexy Has Nothing To Do With Your Body

When I talk to women about sex in marriage, one of the most common concerns is their bodies. “I’m just not sexy!” Practically every woman feels like she is either too old, too fat, too flat-chested, or too plain to be sexy. We live in a world that has definite...

3 Ways That Loving Your Body Builds Intimacy in Marriage

3 Ways That Loving Your Body Builds Intimacy in Marriage

As I stood in front of the mirror, I counted the number of scars displayed across my stomach, splattered across my belly like a toddler with a crayon. How could I ever feel beautiful again, let alone sexy? My thoughts were interrupted as my husband came up behind me...

7 Ways We Unknowingly Sabotage Intimacy in Our Marriages

7 Ways We Unknowingly Sabotage Intimacy in Our Marriages

This is part two of a three-part series from, "Finding the Hero in Your Husband, Revisited.”*   A wife’s greatest dilemma is that you want your husband to lead, but you want him to lead the way you tell him to. There is a tension between desperately wanting to...

What Submission Isn’t

What Submission Isn’t

*The two-part blog series we’re kicking off this week is a sneak peak into what Dr. Juli Slattery has been working on ... a complete rewrite of her book Finding the Hero in Your Husband. Stay tuned for updates on when it will be released in 2021!*   In my...

Making Time for Making Love

Making Time for Making Love

After a long day of taking care of three little boys, cooking, cleaning, and juggling work responsibilities, I had reached the “finish line.” It was my time to rest. I ignored the subtle flirtations of my husband, Mike, hoping he would get the hint that I was not in...

Stop “Hooking up” in Your Marriage

Stop “Hooking up” in Your Marriage

I just read a book by Dr. Lisa Wade called American Hookup which describes the sexual culture on college campuses. Sexual activity has been so severed from relationship that kids “hooking up” are discouraged from even talking to the person they just had sex with. One...

What’s OK in the Bedroom?

What’s OK in the Bedroom?

Before we even get into discussing whether something is right or wrong in the bedroom, I want to emphasize that God’s desire is for you and your husband to experience great pleasure! His standards are not to limit your enjoyment, but to heighten it. I think many Christian couples have no idea what freedom they have in the bedroom. They settle for “vanilla” sex (aka, the missionary position), placing self-imposed restrictions on themselves that have nothing to do with God’s perspective. God made the marriage relationship a safe place for a husband and wife to explore, experiment, laugh, and get lost in sensational sex.

A Challenge from the Song of Solomon

A Challenge from the Song of Solomon

Have you ever read a portion of the Bible that gave you pause? As you read, you thought, “That doesn’t seem to square with what I think about God.” This has happened to me many times reading the Old Testament prophets or the book of Revelation, but I also have that...

Is There Really Such a Thing as “Comfort Sex”?

Is There Really Such a Thing as “Comfort Sex”?

Our guest today is Francie Winslow. Francie hosts the weekly Heaven in Your Home podcast where she offers fresh, biblical ways of thinking about married sex and what it reveals to us about God.   We just endured a brutally exhausting Christmas break. We had high...

Is Sex Sabotaging Love in Your Marriage?

Is Sex Sabotaging Love in Your Marriage?

Sex and love. They are supposed to go together, right? To hear some people talk, you might think that sex is the most important part of marriage, and if you listened to others, you’d think it really doesn’t matter at all. How important is a healthy sex life to...