Single & Sexually Whole

Webinar Series: Sex & the Single Christian, Pt 2

Webinar Series: Sex & the Single Christian, Pt 2

How To Ditch the Counterfeits & Find True Intimacy Part 2 in this webinar series Therapist and life coach Dawn Jones is back to tell us the truth about counterfeit intimacy and how to recover from trauma like porn, abuse, and even your "friends" on social media....

What Do I Do With My Sexual Desires?

What Do I Do With My Sexual Desires?

“What do I do with my sexual desire?” I’ve heard this question from men and women of every age, from those who have never married and from those who find themselves “single again.” I have also heard this question from married people who, for one reason or another, do...

Webinar Series: Sex & the Single Christian, Pt 1

Webinar Series: Sex & the Single Christian, Pt 1

What Kind Of a Gift Is Sexuality if I Can't Have Sex? Part 1 in this webinar series A fan-favorite "Java with Juli" guest, The Boundless Show's Lisa Anderson, steps in as co-host to help Juli unpack why your sexuality doesn't have an on/off switch called "marriage."...

#388 Single & Sexually Whole

#388 Single & Sexually Whole

The late Dr. Doug Rosenau joins Juli to discuss the difference between erotic and social sexuality, and why we need to rethink desire.

#464 Why We Need to Remember The Dignity of Singleness

#464 Why We Need to Remember The Dignity of Singleness

Is it possible your view of singleness and marriage is less than Holy? Is it possible to find contentment, not in whether we are single or married, but in Jesus Himself? Juli and Sam Allberry discuss the dignity of singleness, finding contentment in Christ, and the key to true friendship.

How Do I Know He’s “The One”?

How Do I Know He’s “The One”?

Q: Is there one person I'm meant to marry, or should I just choose a good man? A: This question isn't simply a contemplative exercise; it impacts how you approach dating and marriage. However, I think it is the wrong question to be asking. The question of "Is there...

Are You a Good Friend? 7 Keys to Building Healthy Friendship

Are You a Good Friend? 7 Keys to Building Healthy Friendship

Several months ago, a friend invited me to coffee. After catching up on kids and ministry, I noticed her countenance shift. She obviously was struggling to share something difficult with me. After a few deep breaths, my friend explained how several years ago I had...

#95: The Dating Manifesto

#95: The Dating Manifesto

Do you struggle with being single? Maybe you've been rethinking that 21-point list of "non-negotiable" qualities you need in a...

#338: Single and Sexual

#338: Single and Sexual

As a single person, your sexuality isn’t defined by a list of “do's and don’ts” or captured by simplistic questions like, “What does...

What’s the Purpose of Your Sexuality, Really?

What’s the Purpose of Your Sexuality, Really?

(Presione aquí para leer en español). If someone asks you, “What are your thoughts on cohabitation?” or “Do you believe God is ok with gay marriage?” how would you respond? To answer those questions, you will (without even realizing it) tap into your underlying...

I’m Single & Have No Sexual Desire

I’m Single & Have No Sexual Desire

“I don’t feel sexual desire toward my boyfriend/fiancé. Should I stay single?” Let me introduce you to three different women who have asked me this question for very different reasons: Chelsey has been dating Drew for two years. They have a deep affection for each...

#450 Breaking the Marriage Idol

#450 Breaking the Marriage Idol

We’re just gonna to say it. There’s an unspoken assumption in the Church that if you’re single there must something wrong with you—and that marriage can fix it. Are you guilty of having this thought? Join the conversation about how we’ve idolized marriage and how we can do better.

JWJ Listening Guide: Single & Sexual

JWJ Listening Guide: Single & Sexual

Did you know that single people are sexual? That your sexuality has nothing to do with whether or not you are having sex? As ridiculous as it sounds, many Christians grow up thinking that they will magically become sexual when they get married. In this Java Pack, Dr. Juli Slattery and her guests discuss how to embrace your sexuality, even as a single Christian committed to saving sex for marriage, and what your sexuality can teach you about yourself and about God. They’ll also dive into details on dating, friendships, community, and the Church.

Webinar: Sex & the Single Girl

Webinar: Sex & the Single Girl

The average single Christian has received very little teaching on the purpose of sexuality, and a simple "Just wait until you're married" approach won't cut it. Christian singles need to be equipped with a biblical worldview of sexuality and practical tools for...

#67: Thinking About Remarriage?

#67: Thinking About Remarriage?

Most people never plan on marrying twice, but many of us will. No matter how you got here, the decision to remarry can...

#171: Dating in 2017

#171: Dating in 2017

Fifty years ago, the original Dating Game featured a single young woman who got to choose between three eligible bachelors. Not...

#62: The Friendships of Women

#62: The Friendships of Women

Everyone needs a “BFF” (or “best friend forever”) who they can confide in, but cultivating and maintaining a close relationship...

#57: Picking A Spouse

#57: Picking A Spouse

If you’re single there are many things to consider before taking the leap into marriage. Anyone can get married, but are you focused...

Coming to Terms with Sexual Desire as a Single Woman

Coming to Terms with Sexual Desire as a Single Woman

“Just wait for marriage,” so I’ve been told. So I’ve waited . . . and waited. And as I’ve waited, I’ve begun to wonder, If marriage doesn’t come, what am I waiting for? I remember the True Love Waits talks in middle and high school. The message was that sex was bad...

¿Qué hago con mis deseos sexuales?

¿Qué hago con mis deseos sexuales?

“¿Qué hago con mis deseos sexuales?” He escuchado esta pregunta por parte de hombres y de mujeres, por parte de personas que nunca han estado casadas y por parte de personas que ahora son “solteros de nuevo.” También he escuchado esta pregunta por parte de personas...

#45: Where’s My Prince Charming

#45: Where’s My Prince Charming

So many Christian women “do all the right things”. They save their virginity for their wedding night, read the Word and attend...

¿Qué hace que una relación sea íntima?

¿Qué hace que una relación sea íntima?

¿Qué hace que una relación sea íntima? Hace unos años, estaba hablando en un campus universitario sobre el diseño de Dios para la sexualidad. Durante un descanso, una joven se me acercó con una pregunta. “Dijiste que Dios me creó para la intimidad. ¿No es la intimidad...

What Defines an Intimate Relationship?

What Defines an Intimate Relationship?

A few years ago, I was speaking at a college campus about God’s design for sexuality. During a break, a young woman approached me with a question, “You said that God created me for intimacy. Isn’t intimacy the same thing as having sex?” (Presione aquí para leer en...

Honestamente, ¿cuál es el propósito de tu sexualidad?

Si alguien te pregunta, “¿Cuál es tu opinión en cuanto a vivir con tu pareja sin estar casados?” o “¿Crees que Dios está de acuerdo con el matrimonio gay?” ¿Cómo responderías? Para responder estas preguntas, vas a terminar (sin siquiera darte cuenta) yendo a tus...

Límites sexuales en la soltería

Límites sexuales en la soltería

Cuando las mujeres abordan temas de sexualidad, las preguntas más comunes usualmente tienen que ver con cuáles cosas está bien que una mujer cristiana interactúe y con cuáles no. Quieren saber cuáles son los límites....

Soltería y sexualidad

Soltería y sexualidad

¿Sabías que las mujeres solteras son sexuales? ¿Que tu sexualidad no tiene nada que ver con tener sexo o no? Por ridículo que parezca, muchos cristianos crecen pensando que mágicamente se volverán seres sexuales cuando se casen. Los solteros son seres sexuales creados...

You Can Be Single & Sexual

You Can Be Single & Sexual

(Presione aquí para leer en español) Did you know that single women are sexual? That your sexuality has nothing to do with whether or not you are having sex? As ridiculous as it sounds, many Christians grow up thinking that they will magically become sexual when they...

Sexual Boundaries for Singles

Sexual Boundaries for Singles

When women ask their honest questions about sexuality, the most common ones typically relate to whether certain things are right or wrong for Christian women to engage in. They want to know where the boundaries lie. (Presione aquí para leer en español).  Is...

#104: The Myth of Safe Sex

#104: The Myth of Safe Sex

Are you gambling on the myth of “safe sex”? Dr. Juli Slattery has a conversation with an STD/STI...

Six Red Flags You Can’t Ignore in Dating

Six Red Flags You Can’t Ignore in Dating

Are you dating someone and wondering if the red flags you see are reason enough to break up with him or her? Do your friends and family have concerns about the relationship? If you feel in your heart that something is just not right, don’t ignore it. It might be the...

Should You Tell Your Partner About Your Sexual Past?

Should You Tell Your Partner About Your Sexual Past?

Women often ask me about how much of your past is healthy to share in intimate relationships. How much does a potential husband need to know about your sexual experiences and struggles? How much should he tell you? This is one of those issues that relationship coaches...